Unexpected Proposal [Usph 1]

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Alfred and Maria we're lovers for almsot 10 years now and live-in-partners to be exact. Today is their 7th anniversary. But today Maria will get a very special surprise that will change her life forever when she agrees.

Alfred's POV

It's been a very long time since i've thought of this. Being live-in-partners for 5 years is a proof that we're finally ready for a commitment of a lifetime.

I held Maria's hand, as her soft pink lips curled into a smile, i took glimpse of her face and i can see her soft cheeks is dusted lightly with red. I was always mezmerized by her beauty.

And i focused my eyes on the road again, throughout the entire ride i kept her entertain by constantly talking about heroes and games. Even putting up little puns by time to time because i'm awesome yeah dude!!!

She laughed at my stories which is a delight for my sight. I love seeing her happy then she asked," Mahal? Where are we heading?" I smiled," You'll see soon babe, it's a secret." She giggled," Ooh~ secretive huh? Okay then." She responded. I continue to drive all the way to our destination.

It didn't took us long to get to where we are." We're here!" I said. As i parked my car somewhere safe and secure. Maria goes out of the car closing the door behind her as she took her stuff.

"But!!! First, wear this!" I grinned as i put a black blindfold against her eyes," Sneaky hm?" She smirked as she turned her head to me. Once i finished tying the blinfold. I placed my hand few inches away infront of her face.

" Can you see anything?" I asked her," Hmm..nope." She quickly answered. I put my hand down and placed it on her shoulders.

" Don't tell me you're bringing me to a hotel for some sexy times. Mahal i told you i'm not ready.." She explained as her lips quivered a bit." Pfft! Nope!! Plus i know that." I chuckled.

We walk inside a building and took the elevator to get to the roof top immediately. The building was 25 story high, as we get out. The wind blew fast and pretty hard, the chaufer noise sorta ruined my surprise. Pretty sure she figured it out on her pretty little head.

" Alright..3..2..1!" I removed the blindfold and her eyes widen in surprise as her smile widen as well. She looked like a cute kid seeing a raimbow or receiving a gift. Either way the joy that was drawn on her face can't be painted. I can't help but smile as well.

" Mahal..this is my dream-" She teared up a little, i placed an arm around her shoulder." The dream that you could ride in the helicopter and explore the world in mid air? Yeah! Happy Valentines Day." I grinned as she pulled me into a hug.

I hugged back and nuzzled her,pulling her closer to my body," Salamat..mahal." I stroke her hair," You're welcome." I replied. She pulled away and grinned.

" Now come on! Let's get in!" She smiled as we both wear a proper attire for this, and then we got in..

To be continued..

A/n: So it's just Alfred's entry for this chapter. Sorry btw if err..he's a little ooc ghaadd kms, but thank ya'll so much for readin' this shitty chapter. I'll probs just make this fluff book full of Asakiku and UsPh. So i'll update soon and ttyl ♡

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