21: Village Bathhouse

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The group had found a rise to rest and eat lunch at when Imogen noticed how close they already were. Returning to Sunrow village was faster than expected, only taking a day and a half.   

"That's it right?" Imogen pointed at the barely visible walls in the distance. "Stopping now makes me feel restless. Why not keep going?"

Everyone paused to look. The blazing sun overhead created a ripple of heat, blurring the view. No one looked enthusiastic about skipping their break.

"Isn't it ok? It's worth it to arrive even a little sooner isn't it?" Imogen tried to encourage them, he really wanted to hurry and see the village. 

For several moments there was no response, but finally, Senry's older brother spoke loudly.

"Ah, that's right everyone has waited so long to hear from us."

After that, the other villagers thought about their waiting loved ones at home and they all felt a burst of energy. It wasn't long before they had arrived at the village entrance.

Other villagers began noticing their return and hopeful greetings were soon heard all around.

Imogen looked eagerly around Sunrow village. Senry often spoke fondly of the old times when his village was prosperous before the water ran out. It was every bit as lovely as Senry had described, Imogen's excitement was growing now. They had a real chance to prevent the fall of this entire village.

At first glance, the village was well designed and looked to be thriving. There were well-maintained homes all around and a sturdy defensive wall at the outskirts. The roadways were wide and smooth. The people, bright-eyed and healthy. It was by no means opulent, but it was cozy and well kept.

On closer inspection, signs of the village's current troubles could be found. It was clear that strong leadership was at work to keep the village functioning so well despite their hardship. Senry's grandfather, Meric, is the current manager of this village. It was clear from the state of the village what a good and fair manager the man has been.

Imogen wasn't paying attention and almost tripped when a ball rolled in front of him. Lenix reached out and steadied him easily. Imogen smiled in thanks and watched absently as a group of children grabbed their ball and continued playing, calling out "sorry mister" as they passed by.

Unai bounded after them, feeling playful. At first, the kids froze in wide-eyed wonder as the beautiful beast approached. The returning villagers had spent the last few days around Unai and had grown attached to the big dog beast. A bunch of them called out, "he's friendly," to reassure the little ones and the nervous parents.

The kids broke into smiles and giggles as Unai bumped them lightly surrounding and herding the children through the village. Delighted squeals and laughter rang out as they clung to Unai's fluffy tail and took turns sitting on his back.

A/N A reminder of how Unai looks.

A/N A reminder of how Unai looks

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