8. bet

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"so, come this way so I can show you your room" Mr. Kim said indicating me to come. I nodded, picked up my luggage and started following him. "do you need help with your luggage? " one of their maids asked. "no, it's fine, I'll do it on my own" I replied smiling. Mr. Kim then took me upside and showed me my room. "the room next to yours it's jungkook's" he said
.....great...... "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about this door" Mr Kim said pointing to a door. "this door connects yours and Jungkook's room, but there is a problem.....the door can be only locked on Jungkook's side, so be careful...." he said. ....wtf. .....who was the interior designer of this house, what kind of problems does he have to make something like this......
"yeah, I'll be careful...." I answered. "and the last thing, here it's Jungkook's schedule, since he started modeling recently, here are all the meetings that he has to attend, he also started singing and producing....." he explained while handing me a paper with jungkook's schedule on it. "OK,thanks" I said. Mr Kim nodded and walked away. How am I gonna be able to work with him?
I sat on my bed, took my laptop out and started working. While I was peacefully working, I heard a loud, annoying voice. "heyyyyyy, miss bodyguardddddddd, bring me waterrrrrr" I heard Jungkook screaming. I walked to his room, through the 'fantastic' door between our rooms. "hi miss bodyguard, bring me water" he said in a arrogant way. "listen, 1. I'M NOT YOUR MAID, I'M YOUR BODYGUARD AND 2. DON'T CALL ME MISS BODYGUARD, IT'S FREAKING CRINGEY." I replied *slightly* annoyed. "OK, 1.I called you Miss. Bodyguard cuz I don't know your name and I don't know how to call you, I can call you babe if you want to-" he said while I glared at him in disgust." and 2. You are not just a regular bodyguard, you are my PERSONAL bodyguard, and you are supposed to take care of me and if I don't drink water right now, I might die from thirst-" he continued but was cut off by me. "SHUT up I'll get your water, just stop talking bullshit" I said still *SliGhtly* annoyed. I started walking around to find the kitchen. Finally found it, how FREAKING big is this house exactly? . I entered the kitchen and saw Jungkook's mom sitting on the table drinking coffee. I went to her and greeted her. She did the same. " do you need something?" she asked. "yeah, water for Jungkook" I answered. "if you don't mind, can I ask you something?" she asked again."yeah, sure" I replied. "do you two already knew each other?, I mean, when you two saw each other today morning, it seemed so... " she questioned. "no, we don't really know each other but we have met each other before. Anddddd let's say that everytime we met, it didn't finished well, we always ended up fighting" I answered telling her our story about the coffee shop..... She started laughing. "I'm sorry, but you two are just adorable together." she answered laughing. I smiled a bit and left the kitchen. His mom it's so sweet, why can't Jungkook be a little like her... I walked to the as*hole's room. The door was already open. "I was waiting for you" Jungkook said smirking. "here is your water" I said completely ignoring him. "nah, I'm not thirsty anymore" ....are you kidding me?...
I placed the glass of water on his nightstand and started leaving. I went in my room and lay on my bed. Then I heard a knock on my door. "come in" I shouted. Anddddd it was Jungkook. "what do you want now? " I asked annoyed. "I have a appointment with my friends today at the bowling place. Soooo get ready" he said. "I'm already ready, let's go" I replied. He nodded while we walked to his car. I sat on the driver seat and saw that Jungkook wasn't entering. I lowered my window and asked him " why are you not entering?". "well, cause you are supposed to open the door for me" he said. I looked at him in a "wtf" expression and sighed. I got out, opened the door for him so he could finally enter. I started driving. "is that a real gun?" he asked pointing at my gun that was in my 'weapon belt'. "yeah, it is." I answered. What a stupid question.... "can you use it? " he asked an other dumb question. "you want me to try it on your head, it will be fun! " I replied sarcastically. He put his hands up and shook his head. The driving was quite until Jungkook stated talking. "are you good at bowling?" he asked. I ignored his question. "hey, are you listening?" he said. " IDK, I have never played before" I finally answered. "I can teach you" he said smirking. "oh hell no, I think even if I have never played it before, I could be definitely better than you" I said. "oh, really? let's make a bet then. We will play bowling BUT if I win you will have to do something I will tell you to and if you win, I will have to do something you will tell me to" he said exited. "OK, be ready to lose then" I answered.

_________________________________________hello it's me
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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