Chapter 10

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"So how did your parents realize that you had powers?" I asked.

"My mom knew I was different ever since I was born," Frank said. "Apparently weird things happened, lights went out and cupboards flew open. But it wasn't until I was a few months old and my dad tried to play peek-a-boo with me. I thought that he was actually gone and I got scared and apparently I had blown out a light. They weren't sure if it was me though until I got angry when they took away my bottle and I lit the table on fire. That's when they really realized that I was fucked up."

"You're not fucked," I denied. "You're the most amazing person to ever live."


"You can't deny it," I interrupted. "You're amazing."

"Yeah, well, apparently also when I was younger I would get out of my crib and crawl into their bed and they couldn't figure out how I was doing that because I could barely walk let alone climb out of a crib and so they set up a camera one night and saw me actually fly out of my crib," he said.

I giggled. "That's must've been a shock."

"Yeah, my parents tried to stop the curse,, you saw that in the trials," he said. "And they sucked but I wanted it to work unfortunately we only found temporary fixes like my gloves and the small bolts and fire with drenching me in water."

I gave him a soft kiss and he smiled.

"Are you staying the night?" Frank asked.

"Yeah," I said. "If you want me to."

"I do," he said.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around him. I knew he loved hugs and cuddles, probably more than he'll ever love sex.

"Are there other people out there like you?" I asked.

"How could there be?" He asked. "I'm a freak."

"But your grandma must've gotten the formula or recipe or whatever it is for the tea from somewhere, how could she have made it up herself?" I asked.

"If there were people like me my mom would've told me," Frank stated. "Why would she let me be so lonely?"

"Maybe she thought it would be best for you," I said. "Maybe she was scared of somehow losing you."

"Trust me, if there were other people like me then I would know about it," he said.

Frank didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it so I dropped it, my hand running over his chest gently.

"Maybe you can talk to your grandma about it," I suggested.

"I wish, maybe she'd be able to help fix me but she isn't doing so well with her memory," he said. "Half the time she thinks she's in high school in the 50s again."

"So the only source of what happened to you is basically gone?" I asked.

"Yeah, I don't know what'll happen to me," he said. "I think to die I may just need to be decapitated."

"Please don't talk about dying," I mumbled. "I don't want to think about that."

"But...Maybe we can live together forever, I can keep you from dying," he said. "I always expected just my mom and I but maybe it doesn't have to just be us, you can be here too."

"We'd be so old we can hardly move," I said. "Just old and wrinkly."

"No, we won't," he denied. "I can keep us young, we'd technically be a thousand years old but could look and feel like we're twenty, it's part of the blue flames. My mom is forty-five."

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