Kefla did NOT get dominated by Base Gohan

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A/N: so some pages of the recent chapter have been shown and now bitch boy is sucking gohan's dick.

1. Gohan is not in base form, he's in his ultimate or in this case, using his Mystic powers.

2. Gohan is even more fucking battered than even kefla is so he's gotten it worse in the fight.

Hell, this video even has a few extra parts from the pages that got leaked: showing kefla stomping on gohan's chest.

(Though now this makes things of course in the manga make no sense as Kale was littering tossing people aside like nothing).

3. Gohan was knocked off as she was as well, ending their fight with a tie. 

You basically made this to be basically a whiny little bitch about the female saiyans once more and didn't bother to wait till the full comic was released.

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