No More

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A/N: the title is meant to show no more of something else, not this book in general.

So does anyone remember this video?

If so, then you all know that I basically backed off due to him dealing with the situation. I even heard that he was dealing with having to be homeless for a while and I sympathized with him since it's something that not everyone should deserve. to get.

Now, eventually he did come back. to explain to any of his followers what he just went through.

Now, dealing with a really big situation, especially as one as big as the lose of a family member, isn't something to try and shrug off so easily. 

(Depending on how much said family member cared or what kind of person they were).

You would naturally need some time to get over it. And the video telling everyone he's back sort of shows that he would at least still need to take things slow a bit right? Well in the case of this guy, no. Because sometime after that video, he would go one to do this shit.

Not only does he sound even more fucking annoying than he already is.

But, considering that he's posted 2 damn video in the same damn day after his being back video, It's just showing more about him.

For a time I thought he would actually act like a decent human being and not show that arrogance right after everything that just happened to him and his family.  Losing his Grandma on his birthday and being homeless for a bit.

It's like right after telling people everything that went on, we went back to his cocky shit as if what he did was no big deal.

When I lost my grandmother a few months ago, the reason I posted story pages and talked to people was a way to try and cheer me up. Because knowing that a family member who you've known for years and has cared for you is now gone, is one of the worst things ever. 

I didn't tell that many people about it because I didn't want them to get worked up on the problem. Because one way or another, everyone has dealt with something similar.

(Though in hindsight, it was a dumb choice not letting all followers know at that time).

I felt sorry for this person I hated for the loss he went through. But after this? no more.

When another tragedy in his family happens to him, He'll get no sympathy from me. The family itself will, but not him. Because if that's what he wants to do all this again just after losing his grandma and nearly being homeless, then he doesn't deserve it.  

I hated thesuperitachi for his lying, manipulating and harsh actions towards people, who had nothing to do with him. But, Now I absolutely despise this fucking scum bag of a human being. I only see more bad karma for him.

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