Why I Removed The Address

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A/N: so anyone one who knows in just few minutes of the previous page, I had thesuperdipshit's address up. That was more of out of annoyance rather than giving a sly remark and having an address of someone, no matter how much of a scum bag they are isn't right. 

And unlike him, I'm not the type of monster to do that. But to make it very clear, I didn't do anything to get that address. It was given to me by someone, whom they themselves were given that address to by someone else whom I'm sure the cycle went on. 

I apologize for freaking people out for me showing off someone's personal info.

However, I'm only keeping his address saved into my files because at any point that he dares cross the fullest like Illegitimately in real life outside of YouTube and against the law. I need to keep it to allow any higher ups know to take care of the situation

Again, sorry for worrying or pissing off a few people for that and hope that we can try to move past that and try to keep things at a more better level.

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