Just about time to wrap it up

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A/N: if you didn't have the best of guess of what the title means than to put it plain and simple, I think everything with dipshit here has run it's course. 

I've given most of what I've given and said much of what's basically already said and known about this individual. And his actions as of late are merely him getting a further shorter attempts.

He seems to be moving onto more mod related material.

Cringy outro pictures aside, mod videos are nothing new.

And while it was much fun having to prove the many arguments he's had wrong. As it went on, it's now just gone to the point where it's not even all that much fun. To have Homer Simpson put it better:

And then's not much into this. Honestly, if he's getting paid by YouTube, then it's more better to start ignoring him and let the amount of views he gets for his videos go down.

I mean really, he has around 3,000 subscribers and yet only has about 100 views a video now. I say, let his views and credibility go down and he'll probably leave all on his own at that point (hopefully).

What does that mean for this book? Yeah, you can guess I won't be spending much time with it now at this point. I'll still have it up for people to see. As for the quest to destroy false god book. Well, I guess I'll toss that thing out since I haven't paid all that much to it.

That's all I gotta give on this.

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