He Debunked Nothing

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A/N: more for thesupercrybaby to go one about.

"Alright, guys, I have to do some debunking. Because, there is massive misinformation, massive misguidance going on in the dragon ball community. And it's about time for perfection (true name: Imperfection) to come in and shut that crap down and debunk some stuff in today's video".

Got any sources on just where exactly? If you're going to say this misinformation is going around, you should at the very least show where you claiming to have seen this.

"I've been watching other content youtube surrounding the broly movie. And, of course, you have those Dragon Ball sjw, NPCs. And I just call them sjw, you know, I'm just saying, they defend anything dragon ball. They try to put a positive spin on it. Every response, every day that they do is just like a canned response. It's always gonna try to spin whatever's going on into a positive light without really having any discretion, judgment, actual opinion on the content".

Looks like someone's being hypocritical again.

"I'm just sitting here like: do these people just know the crap that's coming out of their mouths"?

Many people could ask you the same question since you enjoy spreading false information, doing character assassinations and basically attacking other people's work, further cementing you as a YouTube Villain.

"I don't get that. I don't get that mentality of constantly defending something when you know it's garbage".

Considering that there are idiots out there (you mainly) who try spreading false information or seem to not get it, they have every right to. Also, we have these things called differing opinions. It's when this person actually likes something that the other doesn't. Maybe if you... oh, I don't know.... study up on it so your insignificant could function properly. I know, Shocker right?

"The dragon ball ball super broly movie has just reduced broly to the villain of the week that goku has to beat. That's all he is now".

Congratulations, you just described the original broly.

"There's none of this natural, primal: I just don't like you and that's why I got to destroy you. Now, it's just that: oh, you're a bad guy, I'm gonna beat you. Not this: oh, our destinies are actually linked".

Despite that the fact that the original broly movie never even brought up the idea of destinies and goku only met broly because king kai needed goku to take care of the super saiyan who destroyed the south galaxy. The new broly film does however.

"I mean, you can argue that broly and vegeta's destinies are supposedly linked. But now, goku is just jumping into it because, well: you're evil and I have to stop you".

Despite that One of the original broly's main flaws was that he held a grudge against goku when it should have been more of vegeta for what king vegeta did to him as a baby. Also, considering that goku has been sucking up the spot light for far too long, vegeta kinda needs this.

"Typical Dragon Ball Logic with Every Villain. Even though the original broly, there was that primal hatred just: I don't like you, you really didn't do anything. You just rubbed me the wrong way kind of character that was entertaining to watch him hulk out and do his thing".


Congrats, you somehow managed to make the original broly even more badly written.

Gonna be skipping the rest of this since this was stuff I've made in the previous page on broly.

But for the whole thing on Paragus being sympathetic. While I do think that he will have some sympathy given to him since he'll be dealing with the situation of his son being sent off to another world to die because of the king's jealousy. 

(Even though that paragus in the original had that a little as well since king vegeta wanted to execute baby broly). 

But like the original paragus, that will likely be overshadowed by the fact that he'll uses his son as a tool for revenge, just like in the original, though played differently.

And that's all I need to give,  while he's not entirely wrong, he's not exactly right either.

And honestly, I'm getting tired of having to chew at the original broly film just to make a point since I found that film alright, despite the many flaws.

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