We Weren't Forced to Turn on Heroes

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A/N: and here we have a half assed argument where super retard THINKS we turned on the dragon ball heroes anime.

First things first, the debate between super saiyan blue and super saiyan 4. Those were Between Super Goku Blue and GT Goku SSJ4. Xeno Goku was on a while different level of power. The heroes manga even shows this.

 If you actually took your time to do your information, you would actually know this. But considering you don't have a single correct functioning brain cell, This is no surprise you would try to do a half assed argument on why YOU think people don't like the super draon ball heroes PROMOTIONAL anime. 

Not many People are very fond of it because of because of things like the episodes running under a at least 9 or 7 minutes and not enough time to give as long or interesting fights like the more longer running anime series before it. Even ignoring this, there are still people who may like the little promotional anime here.

"Yeah, a lot of these super saiyan blue fan boys still want to believe that super saiyan blue is stronger than super saiyan 4. Even though super saiyan blue has been taking all the Ls ever since it debuted against golden frieza".

Austin: "sighs and takes off glasses" godzilla15, should I explain everything wrong with this statement or you?

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