Broly's New NOT Trash Origins

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A/N: TheSuperCryBaby at it again about the broly movie.

To put it plain and simple first, they didn't lay everything out in the trailers. The movie will still has tendency to surprise it's audience. Many films or shows do that.

Also, about trying to make broly sympathetic.

In a way, you could try to put this on the old broly since his father was sort of just using him as a tool of revenge. (and more detailed video from Qaaman to explain).

Also, what's wrong with make Broly more sympathetic anyway? After all, one could say that broly kind of had it a little unfair in both the new and original story. He was either attempted to be killed or sent off world to possibly be killed out of jealousy. And what doesn't help was that their father was only molding them into a powerful being for a means of revenge. 

But do you want to know why most people still didn't like that broly? It was because they found the backstory of him getting angry over another baby crying and holding a grudge for nearly 3 whole decades was just out right dumb in every sense of the word.

(And this is coming from someone who thought the old broly was okay, but was not a fan of the backstory or other flaws. Like his personality when he turned legendary super saiyan, he just seemed almost like any generic insane villain ever).

Now a lot of people try to defend the old broly by saying that real reason why he hated Goku was because of the fact that before traumatic events took place, the only thing which he remembers is an quote on quote  "unpleasant" memory was Goku made him cry. And so his mind clings to it, and his hatred grew over all that time. 

So, the reason Broly hated Goku is because he reminded him of his traumatic past?

If that were the case, I would give the old broly a pass. But there is just one simple problem, the first broly movie failed to make it's viewers that Broly hated Goku because of that!

The only  time in the movie which broly even recalls to in a flashback seems to just be baby goku, next to him, crying in a crib, to which the nonstop crying made him cry. Not to mention, in that same flashback, broly isn't shown where he was stabbed or escaped planet vegeta's destruction from frieza. Those events were all shown by paragus where he explained to Vegeta why he hated King Vegeta and wanted to get revenge. Not to mention in the original Japanese dub, Paragus literally stated it was Kakarrot (goku)'s power, who reawakened Broly's instincts as a Saiyan and started to overcome his mind control.  


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