Completely Disrespectful Representation

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A/N: so yeah, he decided 

Things He got wrong about Kari: 

1. Wrong outfit. 

2. not the right ssj hairstyles 

3. Wrong Skillset.

4. the eye colour completely is off as well as the skin color.

5. Completely misrepresented how she acted.

Not only is this just showing how low He can get and further proving him as a YouTube Villian. It's further showing how much of a hopeless, pathetic peace of human garbage who's gonna die alone because no one in real life can handle the stuff shit he does or how he treats others. 

(I know that's harsh. But how he decides to act to others, especially doing stuff like this right after a time where he lost his grandmother and went homeless, he doesn't deserve my sympathy and I hope he gets further bad karma going on him alone).  

  You know, Kylogan-Dragren, the more and this shit keeps going, The more DO want to kill him!  

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