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- "We like fighting most."

A.N.// another update in one day brought to you by Andrew being forty :)

    About 15 minutes later, the three arrived in front of the house. Marvin noticed that there weren't any cars anywhere. Was Whizzer still here?
     "I can go in and grab him if you want?" he offered. Whizzer's dad nodded, and he stepped out of the car. At first he tried knocking on the door, hoping he might hear him and come outside, but no one answered. The door was unlocked, which was strange, but Marvin quickly went inside to find him. The entire house was eerily quiet, and he hoped he'd find him in there somewhere. As far as he could tell, there was no one downstairs, so he headed up. There was just a hallway with a few doors, and one of them was closed. Marvin knocked quietly, before checking inside. He saw him lying down on the bed, asleep. Relieved, he walked over and tapped his shoulder. Whizzer's eyes opened abruptly, and he tried to sit up once he saw Marvin.
"What took you so long?" he scowled. He looked at Whizzer, confused.
"I'm sorry if you text me at 2:00 am and I don't see it. You have a lot of explaining to do." He sat down next to him, and Whizzer tensed up.
"What do you want to know?"
"Well first of all, why didn't you tell your sister or even your father where you were? Why did you only text me?"
"It was the only way I could be sure you'd come." Marvin rolled his eyes.
"I would've come either way, but it doesn't matter. Where is everyone?" Whizzer just shrugged. "Okay then. Why did you want me to come get you anyway?"
"Because I wanted to leave! And Cameron wouldn't bring me home because-" he stopped for a moment, and shook his head. "Because it was late, and he didn't want to have to drive."
"Why did you want to leave anyway?" Whizzer groaned. "I'm not trying to nag you, I just want to understand what's going on!"
"Why do you care so much anyway?!"
"Because I care about you! And you know that. And when I saw that text, the way you phrased it, it just made it sound like you were scared, and I felt horrible. I wanted to help you. Now could you please just tell me what happened last night? I won't ask questions, just tell me the truth." He sighed and looked over at Marvin.
"We saw the movie, and I thought he was going to drop me off at home, but he didn't. We came back here because he said he wanted to hang out for a bit. I didn't bother telling you guys because I thought it would just last an hour at most, and I stayed. After a couple of hours I told him it was getting late and that I had told my dad that I'd be home that night, and he got upset. More upset than I'd ever seen. It was very weird and I tried to calm him down, but he stormed upstairs. I was about to text my dad to come get me, but he came back down and.." Whizzer looked away, notably distressed, but he forced himself to continue. "He started yelling at me. I don't know why, but he was just so angry. He kept saying I didn't love him, and that I was going to leave him, and I was really uncomfortable but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I tried to comfort him, tried to reassure him that I wouldn't, but he just ignored me. Again, I tried to text someone, but he took my phone from me. And then everything just happened so fast." If Whizzer has been upset before, it was nothing compared to how he felt now. He was almost shaking. Marvin didn't know what to do, so he just let him regain his composure before continuing. "I told him he needed to stop being irrational and that set him off. I didn't really know what was happening, but every time I tried to calm him down, he'd smack my hand away. Obviously I was fed up with that shit so I told his to stop and he slapped me like it was nothing. We were both shocked, and then he just went upstairs. I needed to talk to someone, but I didn't want to tell my dad about it, and there was no way I could tell Ilah what had happened, so I texted you. I really needed you, and I needed to apologize."
      "No. Stop. You have nothing to apologize for. All of this is my fault. I just can't believe anyone would ever do that to you. You didn't deserve any of that." Marvin locked his arms around him and pulled him close. Whizzer sighed.
     "Thank you for listening. But I really do need to apologize. I should've trusted you. After what happened, I was so angry with you for doing that to me. But I'm not mad. I don't really think I ever was. I can't believe you actually came here."
     "Of course I came here! I love-" Marvin stopped.
     "I love you." Whizzer smirked.
     "I know." He stood up and walked downstairs. Marvin quickly followed.
     "I'm serious." he said, and he turned to face him.
     "I know that, too. And I want to be with you again." Whizzer's face fell. "But I need some time. Just a little while to get over things. So much has happened with love in the last few weeks that I think it's best if I just take a break from everything. Not for too long though." he winked.
     "I completely understand. And I will do my best to be patient." He smiled at Marvin.
     "Thank you." The pair stepped outside and hopped into the car to see the relieved faces of Whizzer's family. "Let's go home."

959 words

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