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- "He filled my coats with candies and notes."

      "Can you look?" Marvin asked again, and Whizzer shook his head.
      "I already told you that I'm not checking it. You have nothing to worry about anyway, alright?" He didn't reply. "Seriously, we're going to be late." Marvin gulped and rounded the corner to see the list posted on the door. His name was written on the second line, and he let out a sigh of relief. Whizzer appeared a moment later and almost squealed at the sight of Marvin's name. "I told you! You're going to have so much fun."
"Hopefully. I'm not sure if I know anyone there though." Whizzer stepped forward and scanned the paper. After a moment he grinned at Marvin.
"You remember Mendel, right?" Marvin nodded, and his face morphed into a grimace.
"He's in the choir? I didn't even see him at the audition!"
"Oh well." Whizzer shrugged. "You can get to know him."
"I guess."
"C'mon. The girls are already at the diner." He grabbed Marvin's hand and the two walked back to the car.

"Get a load of the talent at the table!" Whizzer exclaimed as they sat down.
"Congrats, Marvin! Oh, we already ordered for you two." Cordelia squeezed his hand and he chuckled.
"Thanks. I'm glad I didn't stress myself out for nothing."
      "It wouldn't have been for nothing. You would've had the experience." Charlotte pointed out.
      "I know, but it was a really nerve-wracking one."
      "Look, you got in, and that's what matters now. You have nothing to worry about."
      "Everyone keeps telling me that, but I don't really know how this is gonna go! It could go horribly, or I could make a fool of myself-"
      "Or you could do perfectly fine because you're great at what you're doing." Whizzer smiled.
      "Great? I doubt that."
"I swear, Marv', if you keep doubting yourself I will launch myself onto the moon."
"Um, don't?" Marvin replied, slightly confused. After a few minutes of babbling about school and music, they got their food. The diner had recently become a frequent place for the four to hang out and talk together, partially because of the aesthetic, but mostly because of the great food. They sat in silence for a few minutes, before Cordelia struck up an interesting conversation.
      "Do you two have plans for Valentines Day?" she asked.
      "Huge plans. I can't wait!" Whizzer replied, and Marvin turned to him.
      "You have plans already? There's still two weeks."
      "Well, I'm excited. And no hints, mister. I want it to be a great surprise." he winked.
      "I have a great surprise, too." Marvin lies quickly, hoping that Whizzer's "huge plans" were a lazy cover-up as well.
      "Really? What is it?"
      "He said it was a surprise, Whizzer." Charlotte interrupted, and he groaned.
      "Fine. What are you two gonna do?"
"Same thing as last year. We skip school and spend the whole day together." Cordelia smiled.
"That sounds like fun." said Marvin.
"Oh it is! We change it up every year, though. Sometimes we see movies, sometimes we bake, and sometimes we just pass the time talking. It's always a great time." The group discussed the topic of gifts and surprises a bit more before they went their separate ways. Once they were in the car, Whizzer grinned.
"Okay, so tell me."
"Tell you what?" Marvin asked, oblivious.
"What's the surprise, you dork?" he laughed.
"I'm not going to tell you! That's the whole point of a surprise Whizzer. I thought we already had this conversation."
"Fine, but you could give me a hint." Marvin gulped.
"I could...but you go first. Give me a hint."
"Okay, well, it's something that I've wanted to surprise you with for a while, and I think you'll really like it."
"That is barely a hint." he scoffed. "Alright, um, my surprise is something that I know you enjoy very much, but I'm putting a twist on it." He hopes he would be able to come up with something to fit that description.
"Interesting." Whizzer smirked. "Believe me, I really can't wait for this."
"I can."
"You don't want a day where you just have to give and receive love? I think that sounds great."
"It's not that. I just don't want you to be disappointed. I still need time to think over my plans and ideas, and I've never really done something like this."
"You're insane if you think I'm going to be disappointed. Whatever you get me, I'm going to cherish it no matter what. You know why?" Marvin shook his head. "Because it's from you! So don't worry. I'm gonna put on some music." As the two drove home listening to the radio, a small idea began to form in Marvin's head. He would need a bit of help and a bit of practice, but he was almost positive that it would be perfect.

811 words

A.N.// I don't even know what happened with this chapter?? I lowkey hate it but I'm excited to write about Valentines Day and all the mushy gushy shit :)

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