Chapter 3 Delilah

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" No! I dont think its safe - neither does Gran" I  recoiled myself away from her , folding my arms over my chest.

" Seriously you believe that crazy , old  lady?" I widened my eyes at her. 

" What? Tessa I thought you believed her" She shook her head wildly at me , blue eyes boring into mine.   Challenging me.  " I'm seriously not coming with you"  I nodded towards the rustling trees of Oak-fall.   Danger practically screamed back.   I turned away from Tessa and began walking home , because there was noway I could convince her.   Bang! I screamed falling over onto the cold sidewalk.   " Tessa!" I yelled.   It wasn't her.   A small girl around the age of 8 stared down at me ,  an icy smile plastered on her lips.   She had dark , black hair that flowed down to her waist.  pale , snow skin almost looked too fair to be  human. She also had a pair of sun glasses covered  over her eyes which was odd to wear in mid Winter.   " What was that for?" I tried to push down the anger that was boiling up inside of me but I could still hear it fall through my words.  The girl gritted her teeth at me but said nothing.  " whats your name?" 

" Delilah" She took a steady step forward. 

"  If you accidentally push someone over you should apologize "  Delilah's smile suddenly changed from icy to creepy.   " But it wasn't on accident Elodie"

I  stood up quickly and started backing away " how do you know my name?" But she just kept stepping closer and closer until I was backed up against a brick house.   " I know a lot about you Elodie Jessamine Quin " She spat. Her breath smelt of rotten eggs and dirty socks. " I know where  you live , your school , your family , friends and so much more" I  tried shoving her away but she didn't budge .  " Your so pathetic" She laughed humorlessly.  

" Leave Delilah!" I tugged  her glasses off  of her face and realized she had coal black eyes hidden underneath.  I shrieked and slid down the wall onto the wet  grass.   Then it was Delilahs turn to back away. She growled and covered her black eyes with her hands for a moment before cursing and sprinting off.   I felt so afraid I hardly had the strength to get up  but when I did Delilah had gone completely. But she knew my name and god knows what else.   My head started throbbing painfully just at the thought.   Maybe she was a girl from my sister Violets school. A friend? A prank? those  were the only reasonable excuses I could come up with.

" Boo!" No! I thought and sprinted for a few seconds before turning around.   It was Violet.   She held a confused expression , cat green eyes flickering to me and back to a house across the street  " Your so easy to scare Elodie" she mocked teasingly.

" Shut up Vi" I hit her playfully on the shoulder.   I decided to forget about the black eyed girl named Delilah , forget about her freaky smile and too fair skin.  

" you've been out all day and mum was getting worried but not more than Gran.   'She's gone into Oak-fall. She's never ever coming out' " She  laughed throwing back her auburn  hair.  

             " that's what Grans been saying for the last ten minutes so mum sent me to come get you"  My smile suddenly faltered " Whats the time?" I had only been outside for around  half an hour.

"  five thirty four. Dinner time" She sung , tapping her  pink dialogue watch. " and your  getting in  So much trouble"  

"  Five thirty? Your kidding Violet I haven't even been out for an hour!" I threw my hands up in the air dramatically. Her face hardened " I'm sorry El but are you okay?" I shook my head at her worried face.   

"  I don't know.  I'm just having a  really weird day"

she shrugged it off and sighed at the gravel road. " Guess what?"

"what?" I kicked a small stone across the road , watching it bounce and roll down a small dip.

" I made a new friend" She did a little dance as though she was a loner and had never had one before. " mm... hmm cool" I pushed Violet inside the gate. " Lets go "

A small gypsy lantern sat on our front porch a yellow honey and vanilla bean  candle inside sending the shadows off the walls dance under the full moon. Bright shimmering stars smiled down at me.  At the world.  It looked so beautiful out here feeling the wind lightly touch my cheeks , sending your hair into a scruffy mess , birds singing sweet lullaby's to their chicks. The world seemed so innocent so unaware of the dangers that wander the earth.

" Elodie Quin get your but inside right now" Mum stood in the door way.   I could feel the  anger  and fear radiating off of her so I knew she was gonna start yelling.

I came quietly inside. " Do you know how long you were out with Tessa? And you left your phone here so I couldn't contact you"

" How long was I out for?" I stared up at her. She just shook her head with disbelief,

" Hours! but thats not the point!  Oh and gran she's been going off at me for the last 10 minutes about Oakfall woods... that stupid old women..... ugh! Just promise me you won't do that again? Okay? Elodie?.. I.." she buried her face in her hands. " I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU! "  Silence rung in my ears so loud it was almost deafening.  "Got eat dinner... its on the counter" she rubbed her temples hard for a moment before leaving the room.  Violet sat on a chair at the table , a mouthful of Mac and cheese stuffed in her mouth. I shook my head at her, picking up my plate and placing it next to Violets.  "whats your friends name?"  I grumbled ,  scooping up a spoonful of pasta. 

 Violet smiled at me , her big toothy grin , showing off her missing front teeth.

  " I'm full! Can I go now?" I rolled my eyes at her bowl that was still piled up with cold  pasta. " Fine go play" I shooed her away and grabbed the dirtied plate  on the table and  started scraping the remains into the chicken bucket, that would be their breakfast.  

I filled the  sink up with hot water and tipped a few drops of  dish washing liquid in.   Bang! Thud! Bang Thud! Gran was creaking around upstairs in her room, doing god knows what.

I picked up my plate and started scrubbing it with a cloth.  I stared outside the window. Delilah.   Her wispy , black hair wild , flying in the wind,  pale skin and those deathly black eyes that seemed to see right through me.   Delilah.   Delilah.   The china plate slid from my hands and fell to the ground.  Shattering into a thousand tiny shards. Glancing up at the window.   Delilah was gone but I knew she'd be back.

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