Chapter: 7 Night Terror's

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So far I hadn't received any more weird messages from the blocked number since last night.

" Whats wrong? You sound... distant" Avery bit into her red apple. I stared around the campus, full of people.

" Sorry. I don't know Avery"She rested it on her knee.

" You know you can tell me anything , Like what your thinking about right now" She stared at me through her opaque glasses. I thought for a moment.

Tessa didn't believe me: She thought I was crazy.

Gran: She too thought I had lost my mind. So Why would Avery believe me?

" Your gonna think I've lost it if I tell you Avery" But I knew she was going to keep pushing " I think black eyed children exist"

There, I told myself. You've put it out there. I stared away from her afraid of what her reaction might be

" Your right Elodie that does sound like you've gone crazy but whatever " I sat patiently waiting for her to say something else. A disagreement , a mean comment , something to indicate that she didn't believe me but it didn't come.

" I met this creepy girl a couple of days ago, Her name was Delilah. Long , black hair , pale skin and you know... Ebony eyes." The wind blew our hair this way and that. " You don't have to believe me, I don't care" My voice sounded confident and strong. She just shrugged and we left it at that because nothing creepy had really happened lately. No Delilah. Except those messages but Maybe it was just nothing to worry about. Maybe. And Maybe Delilah was done with me and was going to leave me alone. Well I could only hope that.

We were waiting out for Tessa, well I was, but Avery insisted to come with. " I don't know if she's coming" she sighed. " I mean she looked pretty sick yesterday" She whacked her stick impatiently on the ground. " I'll see you in class Kay?"

" Sure" I smiled and turned around. Listening to the rain dissolving with Avery's Kane hitting the concrete at a perfect beat. So peaceful I thought. The bell rang a few minutes later but I didn't leave I just stood under the shelter waiting for Tessa to arrive.

And she did. Black Kia drove past , dropping off Tessa. She looked absolutely fine as though nothing had happened yesterday though her eyes still had faint circles around them.

" Tess! Tessa! You okay?" She brushed past ignoring me. " Tessa wait! I'm sorry okay?" I grabbed her wrist.

" Let me go!" She said through gritted teeth. " You are a bad friend Elodie, you should of thought about that prank before you commited it!"

" It was Delilah Tess! Not a prank" I pleaded. " Please believe me! " The rain was pouring down, dew drops falling into her hair. She pushed my hand off her. " I don't believe in the mad!"

It felt like a thousand knives stabbing me in the heart, trying to take me down.

" Tess I need your help! Just trust me. That's what best friends do, they trust each other"

My clothes were soaking up the rain and the cold. " But we're not best friends and nor are we friends Elodie and don't call me Tess, its Tessa to you. Now I have to get to class" I watched her walk away. She hated me. She hates you , she hates you , she hates you. I broke down crying in the rain , not caring of being wet. Delilah had ruined my friendship with Tessa. I was nothing to her now. Nothing but a person in her class who sat in the back row. We'd been best friend's for 9 years, all of that for nothing. Our castle of friendship had crumbled and had been washed away leaving no evidence behind of what had once been. My hair was dripping , my clothes soaked and heavy full of water, and my heart broke. It felt so painful and heavy.

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