Chapter 32 Danger

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I woke up on the forest floor, feeling tired and weak.But worst of all everything was silent. Dead silent.

Ding! Ding!

 Unknown number: Finally you're awake Elodie!

Those words were so simple, yet so frightening. Dark. I shuddered, coming to my feet. " Aaah!" I screamed. My doll lay on the ground,  nearly reaching the shadows. Eyes burning holes into me. Don't be afraid! I scolded.

But the thing is: I was.

I began to run again. Feeling slow and hungry. A thin, green vine fell from a tree curling itself around my wrist. " let go of me!" my arm swung towards it but something too had tightened around it. I swung angrily back and fourth, trying to break free but the vines were too strong.

" Oakfall is full of beasts" Grans words formed in my mind.

She was right.  I felt another vine curl around my leg. I was useless.  Don't give up Elodie! but I wanted to. Give in. Give in to Avery and Delilah. I wanted it all to be over.

" Thought you could run" Avery's melodic voice sung.  " don't let her go!" she ordered. I felt the vines grip tighten. She is the queen I reminded myself. The queen of the black eyed children.

"why?" I asked. " Why me? Avery" She stepped into view. Twirling around in her red velvet dress, clutching her own doll. The one Violet had showed me was Daffodil.

She was the one who had been visiting Violet, making her promise things. " It was you all along" My heart sunk. " You were Daffodil, weren't you?" I made sure my voice was confident and strong.  " So many question" she chuckled, throwing back her brown curls. " Your grandmother started it" her voice was suddenly dry yet leaking with sadness. 

" what did she do?" 

Avery took a step forward. " You're grandmother was a bully. Elodie!" she snapped. "So now I must take something from her, she deserves to hurt!" I could now see tears welling in her eyes, but as she blinked they were gone.

" Avery! just let me go! I have done nothing to you!" I thrashed. A devilish smile was replaced.

"You have been messing with my plans! trying to stop me! Elodie you have done something wrong! And now you will pay! You will become one of us" She rose her hands to the sky, which darkened at her smirk. Thunder crackled in the distance.

" Where is Violet!" Avery's eyes seemed to glow in response.

she patted her dolls head. Nails dragging through the hair. " Oh, I've already taken her. She has payed the price"

Her word sent a shiver down my spine.

What did she mean?

She has payed the price.

" Would you like to meet you're new family Elodie?" My eyes widened.

No! No!

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