Chapter 9 Doll's

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" What do you want?" I reached behind me and grabbed a metal ruler.

She smirked and looked me straight in the eyes " Do you really think a ruler can stop me, Elodie?" she sighed " But anyways did you get my friends call?"

I thought back to that night when all I could hear was the heavy breathing and raspy words on the other end.

" What do you want from me Delilah? " I gritted my teeth at her but she didn't seem to notice.

" You'll find out , but not yet" She gracefully put her two legs out the window , gripping the frame.

" No! tell me now" her head turned to face me and she let out a small frightening laugh.

" Oh! Elodie , your so impatient." She let go of the window and jumped 2 stories down , landing effortlessly on the grass. " I'll be back" were her last words. Delilah glanced back once more as she fled towards Oak-fall. Black eyes glinting like onyx under the starry night.

I wanted to ask her a hundred questions but I knew she wouldn't answer one.

" Sweet? what are you doing up?" Gran stood in the doorway, leaning her back against the wall.

" Gran, please tell me about the black eyed children" I pleaded. her green eyes widened in fear, her knees knocked slightly together. Her face was still , giving nothing away. " Oh, Dear I don't think we should go there"

" So you believe in them?" Her eyes met mine for a split second before tracing back to her calved , wooden Kane that was supporting her weight.

" They are very much true , but you should not worry about them , they stay in the trees." she took a crooked step out into the corridor and left , hitting her Kane softly against the carpet.

They don't stay in the tree's I thought. I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. I just lay in bed, staring up at my ceiling. Half expecting Delilah to come back. The wind outside was menacing, blowing tree's back and fourth. It was a unknown war outside. Nobody cared, nobody knew.

What did Delilah want from me? that was the question that lingered on my mind.

I stared up on my dresser at my new phone that was still kept in it's box. I was afraid of receiving the creepy texts , afraid of the strange phone calls, so it was left untouched. I rolled onto my side , facing away from my window.
I lay in bed just staring up at the ceiling. I soon fel asleep.

Knock! Knock! Knock! I sighed , flinging the duvet off my shoulders. But nobody was out in the hall it was completely empty.

yet the sounds continued , I ran down the steps and towards the front door. Who would be up at this time? the knocking grew louder, more urgent. " who is it?" I asked quietly , looking through the peep hole. A small girl and boy stood on the mat. blonde hair and out of date clothing.

I opened the door " What are you two doing out in the rain?" I asked softly. The porch light flickered off. " Can you call our mum? me and my brother are lost" the little girl cried. The two both looked around the age of seven and four. " Okay.... just wait here" I started to spin around but the girl grabbed my wrist. " can we come inside and warm up? please" I took a step forward , blocking the door. Then I realized something odd. The small boy held a porcelain doll. It had his matching blonde hair and exact outfit: Baggy , grey pant's and a knitted red and mustard sweater with a gold button in the center. Similar to the one Violet had held up and had claimed was Daffodil.

" No , I'm sorry you cant" I started to close the door but the girl shoved her foot in the way." let us in Elodie" she said as cold as snow. The porch light flickered back on. " you-r eye-s" I stuttered. They were two ink black pools. The boy rose his eyes from the ground. " She said let us in" he sounded just like any other four year old except something in his tone was off. " No!" I slammed the door and locked it. They waited for a few seconds longer before silently retreating hand in hand. There's more of them. There's more like Delilah. Black eyed children. These thoughts were not comforting if anything they made matters worse. I scrambled back up the stairs stopping every moment to check nothing was watching me. I could feel myself shaking all over. I had never felt so frightened in my life.

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