Chapter 30 Shock

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" Elodie! Elodie! get up" Avery's voice rung in my ears.

" Okay, I'm up" The world rocked slightly, back and fourth. " Is everything okay?" I stood next to her, waiting for an explanation. " No, I heard something, a voice, it sounded like Violets but I wasn't sure" she hunched over, reaching for her Kane.

" do you want me to carry the bag?"

" No, no its alright, I can do that" she flung it over her shoulder. " The voice was coming from that way... I mean it could've been her" I gave her a tight smile

" Lets go then"  We raced through the trees, hearing nothing but the crows, cawing in alarm. The sun was rising behind the thick wall of trees, bushes rustling in the wind. I glanced up at the sky as we ran. A beautiful blue.

We soon came to mud,bubbling. Wrapping itself around our bare legs. I felt afraid. Afraid of Delilah. Afraid of the black eyed children. Afraid of Oakfall Woods. A soft humming voice filled the air. Violets voice. " that way!" I whispered, we gripped a branch swinging ourselves onto dryer land. 

The the trees seemed to be singing " Elodie, Elodie" repeating my name over and over again. The crows shouting toxic things, the wind cackling a heartless laugh, Delilahs harsh words digging into my head,  The weight of Violets lies shifting onto me. Struggling to focus, I continued to run, trying to escape the noise, but it only followed, one step behind me. Avery's face was concerned " Elodie! wrong way"

" Wait? you can't hear anything?" she shook her head, 

" No, just Violets voice, East" she pointed to her side. The voices were like a hurricane. It was heating up now, making me forget everything around me.

I heard a loud snap of branches coming from the opposite direction " Hold on Ava, think I heard something" I  shoved a few vines aside, quietly stepping behind a trunk of a tree.

Ding! Ding!

Unknown number: Tick! Tock! your running out of time Elodie

I reread the short sentence, what did it mean?

Running out of time?

I took off my jersey, wrapping it around my waist. Avery was leaning against a tree, picking at her Kane. " It was nothing" I muttered to her.

" Elodie! we need water" I stared at her, realizing. We walked for a few moments longer, listening for drops of water.

" I'll be back in a sec" Avery took out her empty bottle, shoes stomping through the thick mud.

I lazily sat down. something was glinting in the bag, I unzipped Avery's bag further.

long brown hair, black jeans,  grey and white jersey and a simple gold button.

It was a doll.

My doll.

Avery returned with her bottle of water, wearing a long, velvet dress...

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