Chapter 11 Tessa

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" Breakfast Elodie!"  a voice called. My eyes fluttered open , The world spun like a merry go round blurring my vision. head throbbing painfully tracing down to my spine.

 " Come on Elodie!" Violet yelled. I slowly rose from the floor , feeling like a ghost rising from their grave.

" Forget , Forget , Forget"  Delilah's words from last night screamed into my mind. I took my first unsteady step into the corridor " Coming!" 

Violet and gran sat at the round , wooden table eating pancakes, the smell making me feel sick. " Sweet , what happened? you've got a black eye" 

"Yeah um..." I tried to think of an excuse but nothing came. I took a seat uncomfortably next to Violet who didn't notice my bruises.

Ding! Ding!

Unknown number: Forget! Forget! or it'll happen again , forget! Elodie


" Fine! if we're going for a walk i'm leading the way" Violet hopped ahead of me, her eyes seemed darker today than ever , and her pupil looked somehow larger. But maybe it was just my eyes, sore from Delilah. Violet skipped and sang , two meters in front of me.

 But there was something else strange about her today. Her hair looked muddy and wet , clothes stained a dark green , new sneakers full of water. " wait up" 

I had to call every few minutes not that she listened. Violet looked like she knew  exactly where she was  going as though she had been a hundred times.

" where are we going Vi?"

" Dunno" though what I really should of been paying attention to was her song "I seen her eyes  still something like a scene from silent hill , No life just a empty shell , Eyes blacker than the deepest pit of hell" She repeated the song over again , humming softly to herself like a harmless lullaby.

I didn't say anything , I felt too afraid. Ding! Ding!

Unknown number: Are you scared yet?  Cause you should be

I rose my head , realizing I was right outside of Oak-fall. " Vi? why'd you bring me here?" My voice shook. she jumped onto the fence railing and smiled " Isn't it just so beautiful Elodie? don't you wish you could live in there forever and never grow up"

  Did she want to be like the black eyed children? Did Violet want to be a black eyed child. 

" Just standing' there a cold blaze there Pale white skin, little coat and black hair-" 

"Stop it Violet!" She  grunted turning around to face me. Coal black eyes locking onto mine. Black eyes.

She blinked and they were that dark swampy green again , not black. My heart was racing inside my chest faster than it ever had. " what?" Violet asked , adjusting her knitted purple scarf.

" We should go home now Vi , it's getting cold" But really I wanted to escape Oak-fall's whispering stories , escape Delilah's coal black eyes. It was dangerous.

It was dark. Deadly.  Violet nodded " yeah... okay" she ran ahead of me , passing Tessa's house.

I glanced back for the last time and could of sworn , saw Tessa's golden tangles of hair , same black jeans and white Jersey. And her blue eyes replaced by cold , black ones. But maybe I was just seeing things.

Like Violets eyes.

Ding! Ding!

Unknown number : You won't find Tessa at school tomorrow! Isn't that sad ):

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