Chapter 26 Haunted

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As I neared the small object I realized what it was. A kid. No a doll. It was covered by decomposed autumn leaves, hidden in the grass.

 I took slow cautious steps towards the doll, so focused I couldn't hear Avery's Kane whacking the wet soil. " Elodie? Are you okay?" I shook my head. " I don't know" I reached my arm towards the dolls. " Oh my god!" I yelled, falling onto the ground. 

It had my same chocolate brown hair, resting over its cold, porcelain shoulders. It was wearing my exact outfit. Black jeans, a grey and white jersey. It even had a tiny version of my grans silver ring. Fear and fright pumped through me. 

I felt so many feeling that I couldn't identify. " Elodie? what is it?" If only Avery could see. Words could not describe this. I stared at the dolls closed eyes. They fluttered softly open. Black. Black eyes. Protect the doll!

Go on Elodie!, its yours. The same Melodic voice sung into my mind. You need the doll! I told myself, ready to grab it, hug it to my chest. So precious, so special I thought. Then I screamed. What was wrong with me? It's eyes somehow seemed to lure me in.

 But the spell had been broken. The dolls eyes were closed. " Avery, its... its a doll of me!" Avery looked down at me, face tensed. " What! are you sure?" her voice quaked, so did mine.

" Yeah"  " Come on, lets go! I don't want to see it again" I ran ahead of her. I was afraid. Your next! I told myself. A few seconds later Avery was next to me " Seriously Elodie? I'm blind remember?  just wait up for me?" she kicked at the ground.

" Sorry, I just cant stand to look at it" The doll, it looked  too much like me. Just laying on its side in the rotting leaves, hair clean, face flawless. Same clothes. The doll looked too lifelike. 

" Well when you left me before, thinking you had found Violet-"

" It was her Avery" I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways,  I think I heard something close by... maybe Violet had taken some sort of short cut" She took a sharp turn. " The noise came from this way." I followed after her.

I could see something glowing in the distance. Maybe it was just the sun. " Can we just keep going straight? I may see something" We jogged slowly, keeping close to Avery, matching her pace.

The sky was darkening. It always became darker in Oak-fall. 

The sun had now gone down too, but the blinding light remained  bright in front of me.

I crawled out past a twisted, strangling vine. It was a house. 

Was Violet in there?

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