Chapter 36 All the broken pieces

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The black eyed children covered their ears, wincing in pain. This was the solution. I smiled The words forming in my mind. I could win. "The black eyed children hide away from the sun, as darkness consumes them they love to have fun, once this spell has been broken, it SHELL NOT be undone."

Though Avery just watched carelessly, it had no effect on her. My smile dropped making her laugh "Did you really think it would be that easy? Just sing a few sentences and I'd be gone?" I stumbled away from her,racing towards the door.

Avery growled, shoving her way through the sea of black eyes. I just grasped the knob when I saw them. Flashes of everything I was leaving behind me. Violet. Tessa. All my best memories of them.Violets sixth birthday party. Me and Tessa sneaking out of her back window at 1am. All of us together.

I knew it was just Avery, her visions, her power taking hold of me.But I had to stop. Because she was right. The pictures faded, I spun around to face her. Avery was gripping Violet and Tessa, pushing them towards the fire that seemed to grow with its orange and yellow flames reaching towards them. " Let them go Avery!" That only made her smirk. " Do you think this is a game? Elodie? because it isn't." Her face held laughter and jokes but her voice was cold. Empty.

She threw them onto the ground. " Just... Just why me?I asked, stepping slightly forward.

Her facials dissolved into sadness. Fear.Anger. Feelings I didn't want to see. She tugged my doll from her jacket. Gripping the hair, pulling with all she had. My mind started to swirl. But she wouldn't win. Not this time.

I lunged at her. Tackling her onto the wooden floor. I had had enough. I was sick of her games. " You took Violet from me!" tears dropped. " And Tessa" Her name sounded almost unfamiliar.

But really the question I thought most of.

Was Why?

Avery threw my doll across the room making me land on my back in pain. I plucked the gold button from my clothes. I stared into the shiny ball. My eyes were a dark blue. No longer a light ocean blue. But they weren't black. Yet, the word crawled in my mind.

The black eyed children lay around the room. Not moving. Not breathing. Violet covered her ears as well as Tessa. Warmth flooded through me. They were still alive.

Avery stood next to me.

With a knife.

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