Chapter 19 Surprise!

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Ding! Ding!

Unknown number: Stop digging Elodie,you may not like what you find

I stared around but of course there wasn't anyone there, I was at the back of the building where the black eyed children books were. A bright light flickered off above me.

" Elodie!" the sugar voice sang.

" No!" I yelled , racing back through the isles. Books falling around me at my every step. The lights , flickered off. Dark. " leave me alone!"

I could just make out the main door ahead of me. Its small silver handle glinting softly. The footsteps becoming louder. Nearer. I tugged open the door,light piling in. I spun around but nobody was there. " Huh?"

Lights brightly turned on. Books placed neatly on the shelf. It was all as though nothing had happened.It was always like that.

" What was all the yelling about? this is a library" Jamie Mit shook her head. " I'm sorry but you need to leave, people come in here to read." She lead me to the exit still shaking her head.


" Yes Daffodil I will. Promise" all the hairs on my arms rose. Something about these words scared me. What is she promising?

" And thankyou for my present! I loved it" she squealed.

" Hey? Vi" Knock! Knock! " can I come i-"

" No you can't! now leave!!" This time I didn't. There was something not quite right about this. Whispers soon came, like the ones I heard in my dream, the ones that came from the trees. " Leave me alone Elodie!"

Ding! Ding!

Unknown number: I can always see you Elodie, remember that

" Hun, I'm going to work, I need you to take out the trash. It's going to be picked up in 5 minutes" I sighed " sure mum"

As I wheeled the bin out , I realized something strange. A scarlet red ribbon danced excitedly in the wind, clamped down under the lid , trying to free itself. I grabbed it, opening it up.

A perfect gold and red box, placed neatly at the bottom of the can with nothing else inside.

I pried it open, curiously.

Nothing but a small strand of auburn hair. Violets hair. I shoved the bin forward. What was happening?

Violet had school today and I was still suspended. But Delilahs words floated into my mind. Forget! forget! Forget!

You will pay. Words bold and vivid.

But I didn't have time to listen to her threats. Not now. I waved goodbye to gran and Violet, trampling up the steps to her room. Violets door was surprisingly unlocked.

Her window wide open. Still shattered, reminding me of last time.

I looked under Violets bed.



But the thing I really should of being looking at was her shelf.

A neat porcelain doll sat there. pale hands. long , straight Auburn hair. The doll wore Violets favorite white and pink floral dress that held a gold button, black leggings. winter brown boots and a matching coat. Eyes closed. They always were. I peeled them back. Black eyes. Black pools. Not cat green.

Then it hit me. It was a doll of Violet.

Like the others...

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