Chapter 25 My Fear

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 My eyelids opened. Wisps of smoke swirled around my head. Turning around, I could see the fire had burnt out, nothing but grey ashes remained. " Ave? Avery?" but she wasn't there. My stomach tightened. " Ava?" I stood up unsteadily.

 Avery stood about 12 meters in front of me. A hand raised to silence me. " Sorry, thought I heard something" she reached for her Kane that lay in the dirt, wrapping her hand tightly around it. " ready to start looking... for Violet?" she turned around, sending me a sympathetic look. I ignored it, not that she would've noticed.

" Yeah... where do we start?"  Avery shrugged,

" Dunno," she took a step towards me, Kane keeping in front. " Maybe that way?" she pointed North then south. " did you see which way she went?" I hadn't, but then I thought of my dream, struggling to remember where she had gone. " We'll just keep going" We trudged  on through the thick mud that was becoming deeper at our every step.

 " Oh, Elodie, is this your phone? I found it in the grass yesterday?" I stared at my phone that was placed on her palm. I wanted to throw it again, far away. But I resisted the urge, it could be of use later. " Yes, I had lost it" I lied, picking it up and shoving into my jean pockets. Avery hummed softly, throwing her hair into a messy ponytail. We stopped every few minutes, waiting for a scream to erupt, Violet's voice, any sound of life. But nothing but our echoing screams replied back.

I glanced up at the sky. Blue. A summer blue. Small beams of sunlight shone through the branches of thick leaves. " Elodie?" It was Avery. She stood in front of me, glancing nervously around. " I'm still here Ava" The mud squelched underneath me, as I took a step towards her.

" Pale skin, black eyes and a little dark coat," Violets voice sung. I  continued to thrash through the mud. "Elodie, Avery hidden in the growth, Silly girls calling me a little wee dote, that is why I am singing this is, sacred Oath" I climbed onto a bank, hoisting myself up. Following  the direction of her words.

"I wa-" then she stopped, nothing more than a rustle of bushes. Her retreating. " Hurry Avery! We're gonna loose her"  " I'll be back!" I shouted to her.

The trees growled at me with rage, crows shouting unknown words. I had to keep going. Violet was so close. I knew she was.

I could see something laying on its side a few meters ahead of me. It had a small gold coin shining on top of it.

No, a Gold button...

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