Chapter 6 The message's

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Beep! Beep!

The bus outside my window honked as I grabbed my bag , taking an apple off the counter as I passed. " Hurry up!" Mr Johnson yelled , waving his meaty hands frantically at me. Inside the bus was crammed with people from both directions. Some students I recognized from last year like: Tiffany Wright who sat giggling hysterically with her friend Charlotte Frost. As I continued down the middle I saw Jackson, Tessa's younger brother who was hunched over his MP3 player listening to music.

My eyes swept over the crowd looking for someone in particular. Tessa isn't your friend I thought bitterly. Her blue eyes met mine for a brief moment before darting away. At the back was empty as always. A feeling of numbness came over me but I ignored it taking a seat. Everyone was laughing and yelling at each other , so loud it almost felt like it was aimed directly at me. I could feel a headache blooming at the back of my head growing larger but that too I tried to forget about.

The bus soon halted to a stop,And as last year" Alright! Everybody out!" Mr Johnson yelled , twisting halfway around in his seat to face us. Everyone started slowly piling out of the bus muttering and groaning. I followed after, keeping my eyes on the ground. Mr Johnson then pulled away from school and drove off down the road , bus spluttering.


" Alright class today we have a new student joining us , her name is Avery Beznik , please treat her with respect and make her feel welcomed" Mrs Anderson nodded thoughtfully at us , reaching open the door. A girl walked in: Beige , wavy hair, clean black jeans, a plain white Adidas jersey with new matching black sneakers. She clutched a support Kane with her right hand, keeping it near her chest as though it was some precious possession. But I then saw her black glasses and everything came together like a puzzle: She was blind. Avery sucked in a deep breath , anxiously resting her other hand on the Kane. " Welcome to our class Avery. You can sit next to... Cynthia" Mrs Anderson kindly led her to the back row. " Alright face this way and continue writing" Mrs Anderson smiled at us all. She was a nice teacher. Had warm sun kissed hair tied back in a messy bun , brown Almond eyes and was always quick and enthusiastic, even about math.

After awhile Tessa raised her hand " Excuse me Miss I don't feel very well" She shook her head and rested it in her hands. I blinked at her, she looked terrible, skin fairer than usual and her eyes seemed so unfocused.

" Oh Tessa you look awful... go over to the sickbay" Tessa nodded and rose slowly from her desk and left.

" Right-Elodie sweet? Could you could give Avery a short tour of the school and get her to meet the teachers because I don't think Tessa will be back " Tessa always played tour guide but I nodded anyway.She straightened up and helped Avery again to the door. " Thank you, but i'm sure I can manage" Her voice seemed so kind and soft.

" So... where are you from Avery?" I asked unsure of what to say. A smile spread over her lips. " A small town, couple of miles away from here" Her Kane whacked the ground hard every few seconds. At the same beat as grans I thought.

" Right, um.. i'm guessing you don't know anyone here?" Though I didn't really care about any of this I was just trying to escape the sinking awkwardness.

" I do actually. Well a few people, my cousin attends this school" I smiled and nodded.

" what's their name?"
" Mara but she's a junior, a few years younger than me. A spoilt little brat,really" I laugh and so does she.

After showing Avery around and got her to meet some teachers I realized we had a lot in common and hung out for the rest of the day. Tessa had obviously gone home because she didn't return to any of the classes.

The bus arrived again at exactly 3:30 as it always should and me and Avery got on together. Mr Johnson stopped every five minutes to drop off more students until it was just me , Avery and another kid called Molly Carter who lived out on a farm or something. The bus stopped again down my street. " See ya tomorrow" I smiled and jumped out of the door. Mr Johnson sneered at me and rolled his eyes at Avery who sat in the back. I waved at her though she couldn't see, it seemed like a nice thing to do. Inside Gran was sitting on the couch , book in one hand and tea in the other which rested on the arm of the chair. " Good afternoon Love" She crinkled her face up into a bright smile. I smiled back at her, feeling strangely happy and enthusiastic. " Whats Vi doing?" I asked kicking my boots off.

" Upstairs playing with her collection of toys. She's been very joyful today , laughing alot" She shook her head , sipping her tea slowly. " And I'm guessing mum is at work still"

Gran shot me a pitiful look " Well yes Elodie , your mother has a very important job to do" I could feel my happiness being sucked away like a vacuum cleaner.

She was never home.

" Do you mind bringing you two girls washing down? I might put on a small load"
" Yes, will do, bye gran" I dragged my bag up the 20 steps, leaning my head against Violets door.

" I told you yesterday! And I said no" Violets voice was harsh and quiet. " Leave" A few noises came. I knocked letting her know I was there.

"What do you want Elodie!" She growled.

" Vi umm Gran was-"I heard her unlock the door. Her face was flushed, hair in messy tangles, pink shirt stained with dirt. " What have you been doing at school today?" I pointed to her shirt.

She just shrugged " I fell over at school. Now What do you want?" She began to close her door slowly.

" Violet what is up with you?, staying in your room all the time. Usually you'd be downstairs with gran." She huffed.

" Well am I not aloud to stay in my room sometimes? That's where you spend most of your time anyway"

" Fine" I rolled my eyes at her.
" fine" she mocked.
I  ignore her for grands sake. She doesn't need fighting kids right now. I stared around her room " Anyways, Gran was wondering if you  have any dirty laundry?"
"No but I am sure you do!"

She shoved the door shut in my face just like someone else I knew. The memory flashing through my mind clear and vivid, almost making tears fall but I wiped them away.Tessa.

" Stop spying on me too!" Violet yelled as I disappeared down the hall.

Ding! Ding! I stared down at my phone.A unfamiliar number on my screen.

Unknown number: Stop eavesdropping on your sister its not nice ):

I stared around the empty hall. A feeling of terror went through me as though someone was watching me.

What if it was Delilah?

Would gran know about black eyed children?

" Hey Gran " I sat next to her on the couch. " You might think this is totally mad and crazy but... do black eyed kids exist?" I blurted out.

Her eyes bulged and her grip on the mug tightened. " That is very silly Elodie. But also very creative" She relaxed. " No I don't suppose they do" She shook her head almost angrily at me.

" Are you sure?"

" NO! God no Elodie!" If she wasn't mad before I knew she was angry now , But I felt like she wasn't telling the truth , I didn't push her on it either. That would be pointless.

" Sorry" I whispered and left her silently. Her face seemed to soften.


After dinner I ran upstairs into my room. Closing my curtains , jumping into bed and covering myself with my comforter. Ding! Ding!

I rolled over onto my side and reached for my phone. Tessa? Avery? Mum?

Unknown number: Goodnight Elodie. But remember I can see you...Always...

I shivered and threw my phone onto the carpet hearing it bounce and slide under my bed.




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