Chapter 13 Voice's

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" Where is she?" I growled trying to grab her. Delilah smiled at me

"She's one of us now" facing the two blonde kids who nodded agreeing.

"What do you want from me Delilah?" she took a heavy step towards me

" It's too early to ask those kind of question's Elodie" She nodded " Let her go"

" You'll find out what I want Elodie , just not yet" Her voice hard like sand paper. The three then retreated , eyes murky and full of mystery.

I started to run home.

The missing posters lay scrambled on the ground. But there had been no wind. Someone had ripped them off. " Elodie" a melodic voice sang, I ran faster but the voices didn't fade " Elodie" " Elodie where are you going?" It sounded so soft and hyptnotic but I forced myself to continue . " Come back"

" No! Leave me alone!" I screamed.

" Elodie, just slow down, please Elodie for me" the wind carried their musical notes towards me like shallow waves.

Black crows swooped down onto low branches forming an audience. The trees swayed and bent to the song , hands trying to grab me.

The clouds shifting so the moon could hit me like a spotlight.I could see the yellow artificial light's of my house glowing up ahead.

"get away from me!" I screamed as loud as I could muster. Light footsteps flew after me , matching to the beat of the song. " Elodie, Elodie , Elodie" My name was chanted again.

" Elodie why are you running?" I felt close to giving in , stopping but I knew that would be foolish. The sweet honey voice laughed " Elodie , Elodie" the wind seemed to sing now too , whispering my name faintly in the breeze.

The porch light flickered on as I made my first step.

" come to me Elodie, I wont hurt you"

"I promise" I tripped stumbling onto the mat.

Silence rung heavily in the air. No voice , no crows , the trees still , the sky gloomy.

Asthough nothing had happened. The door creaked open.

" Elodie? are you okay?" Violet stood in the doorway.


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