5: A Lifesaver

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Everyone was done packing and all ready to go to the airport. While walking to their gate all the fans were saying bye, holding signs, and making hearts for them. Some were also saying safe travels. Namjoon called everyone to stand and told them something.
"Ok, one two three!" All seven of the boys blew kisses at the fans making them go wild one fan was about to go over but some other people stopped them. They went onto the airplane and got seated. Jhope called V to go next to him, Jimin and Yoongi were sitting next to each other, Jin was hogging the whole seat, Namjoon sat at the window and Jungkook quickly went over next to him. Namjoon smiled at Jungkook. He smiled back. Jungkook reached into his bags to get his Air Pods and when he got the case, it was empty.
"Oh my god.." Jungkook panicked as he was hyperventilating.
"What? What is it?" Namjoon was worried that he was short of breath or was scared of planes.
"M-My Air Pods...they're gone.." His voice sounded all weak and cracky because those Air Pods had cost a lot of money.
"It's ok, I told the employees that anything that remains in the suite will be sent over to our apartment. Since we always lose our things. Don't worry. In time being, you can share with me if you want. I promise my ears are clean haha!" Jungkook was so happy he could kiss the plump lips of his face. He wouldn't mind sharing earbuds because he would always think of Namjoon. Thank goodness he has such a caring leader. Jungkook hugged Namjoon's side which made Namjoon beam with happiness knowing he could help someone in his team.
"Thank you leader.."
Namjoon reached into his bag and got his Air Pods and held out his white Bluetooth headphones in front of Jungkook. "Left or right?" Jungkook was going to choose left but he remembered that sometimes Namjoon uses the right one alone sometimes. So he chose the right one due to the fact it had more 'Namjoon'. "Right."
"That's unlike you. Since you always choose left." Namjoon chuckled.
I chose right because of you baby. Wait. What the hell was that?!
Namjoon put the left one in his ear and searched for some songs. Jungkook put the right one in his ear as he glanced to look at Namjoon. Namjoon noticed and Jungkook blushed. Namjoon smiled.
"What song do you want?"
Jungkook was overthinking. He wanted to play Sorry by Justin Beiber or We don't talk anymore by Charlie Puth.
But he didn't want Namjoon to judge so he just said the most basic answer in the world
"What ever you want."
"Oh ok. I was thinking of playing our fools cover since I'm with you." Namjoon was searching the song in his playlist. Jungkook was actually shocked. He almost forgot the whole song. When Namjoon said "Since I am with you." It made Jungkook's heart flutter so much like he was appreciated. Apparently Namjoon liked that song as his favourites. Jungkook was happy. And so the song started when the plane took of into the sky.

I am tired of this place, I hope people change. I need time to replace, what I gave away.

"Wait." Jungkook took out his bud and Namjoon paused it just before his next line starts.
"What's wrong?" Namjoon thought that he didn't like this song anymore. It was acceptable to him because not everyone sticks to something for a very long time.
"I started the song?" Namjoon just laughed at how dumbfounded Jungkook was. He hasn't listened to this song for a very long time he thought Namjoon started so that is why he was relaxed and suddenly got alerted by his voice.
"You thought I started? Ahaha your so cute." That is when Jungkook almost went coo-coo. He leaned in towards Namjoon while Namjoon's eyes got bigger. He quickly realized and just stayed calm as he shifted towards the side of his ear. "I am not cute Joon."
He then backed away as he grabbed Namjoon's phone. Namjoon had the biggest what-the-hell-just-happened face.
1:16. That's Namjoon's line 1:16.
He quickly scrolled to 1:16 and put back the Air Pod in his right ear. He pressed play and relaxed his back as he closed his eyes. Namjoon just smirked at the sight of Jungkook.
"You like my part?" Namjoon asked.
"Yeah I am getting tired of my voice."
"Well how are you supposed to evaluate your voice to improve it to make it better if you don't like how it sounds already?" Jungkook thought about the words and realized he was right. But by the time he was done thinking the song ended with a faint Only fools fall~.
"Hey lovebirds, we are almost landing." Yoongi chuckled at how they were sharing earbuds listening to songs together.
"We are just sharing buds."
"Well it don't look like just 'sharing buds' because the way you too looked at each other was like love and passion." Jungkook felt uncomfortable because that what it really was for him but not Namjoon.
"Maybe it was" Namjoon then turned to Jungkook and winked. He made Jungkook's heart flutter so much he was blushing hot pink. Why are you like this? You save me from no music and now your making me feel love? Namjoon your to much to be a person. Your an angel from heaven. You are a lifesaver

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