18: Its a Secret

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•Sorry I didn't update for some time! Hope your not mad. We are near the end of the book! The second book is coming at 6pm mountain time, 5pm pacific time, 7pm central time and 8 eastern time and if you don't have these particular time zones and know how to tell the time in your are then that's what your area then that's what ya do!SORRY FOR THIS LETS GET ON WITH THE STORY•

"Ooo where should we go guys?" Jimin was bouncing up and down in his chair since he was excited for all the choices.
"Alaska!" Taehyung said as he jumped up from his seat.
"That's up north and way too cold." Yoongi said crossing his arms.
"Not as cold as you!" Everyone laughs at Hoseok's comment while Yoongi goes red.
"I'm going to break up with you Hobi."

"I'm sowy!" Hoseok said doing cute actions.
Yoongi smirked and looked down because he knew he was cute.
"Alaska is technically in Canada if you think about it." Namjoon said looking on the map on his phone.
"Yeah cause it's near Yukon Territory."
Jungkook stated.
"Since when did you know about Canada and we have never been there besides tour?"
Namjoon squinted his eyes to Jungkook who was sitting next to him at the table.
"I just do." Jungkook replied in a cute voice.
"Awww." Jin said like a mother.
"Why don't we go to Hawaii again? It's been cold here and we should go to a hot place?" Namjoon suggested as he set his phone down.
They all nodded and agreed to pack next week.


Namjoon: Jungkook where are you I can't find you

Jungkook: I went to workout

Namjoon: Oh ok. I have something for you when you come

Jungkook: Aww thanks ❤️u

Namjoon: love ya too❤️


As Jungkook finished showering, he went to Namjoon who was waiting in there room. He opened the door to find Namjoon cross legged on the bed dimple smiling hugely. He smiled back.
"How lovely of you."

"You know I'm stuck in this position and my jaw hurts from smiling?"
Jungkook bursts out laughing because of Namjoon.
He plops on the bead making eye contact. "Close your eyes."
"Because it won't be special when your eyes are open." Jungkook closed his eyes and feels something go on his ring finger.
He slightly opens it and sees a diamond outlined ring saying "Namjoon's".
"It's...beautiful." Jungkook immediately hugged Namjoon as he accepted the hug tightly.
"I have one too. It says "Jungkook's."

"Yeah why would it not?" The two chuckle at the same time.
They both released from the hug and kissed. "EEEEEEE!!!!" Hoseok was fan boying all over the place which made the two jump back.
Apparently Jungkook didn't lock the door. Namjoon smirked and got up to gently slam the door in Hoseok's face.

"Hoseok can I kiss you?" Yoongi asked.

"EEEEEE-MMMMM!!!!" Hoseok couldn't stop screaming even when Yoongi kissed him.
"Ok there bud, let's go." Yoongi basically dragged Hoseok away from there door.
"Ahaha, they're so cute together."

"But not as cute as us." Jungkook kissed Namjoon again as Namjoon deepened the kiss. Jungkook layed Namjoon down as they started a small make out session. "Hey what are we going to say to people who notice these rings?"Namjoon asked.
"It's just a friendship ring. The real thing is that it's a promise ring for when we get married...and it's a secret." Namjoon smirked as he liked the voice of Jungkook that he used at the end. Deep and sexy. They continued on with there lives.

Happier than ever

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