Chapter 2

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Ashley's pov

I woke up to my alarm. I got up and threw on a pair of black denim jeans and a Polaroid crop top.  I pulled my hair into a messy bun and put on my glasses. I grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket. I walked down the hall and into my moms room. I shook my mom awake. "Mom, get up and shower, the social worker is coming in half an hour." I said. She quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I heard her throw up and I rolled my eyes. I looked at her nightstand and found another bottle of vodka. I quickly grabbed it and took it downstairs. I put it away and cleaned off the counters and grabbed the cookies from the fridge i made yesterday. I put them in the microwave for about 30 seconds. I then took them out and put them on the table. There was a knock on the door and i dusted myself off.

I opened the door and Michelle, a lady with straight brown hair that was put into a slick ponytail was standing there. She was wearing a navy blue coat and skirt, and holding a brief case. "Hey Michelle!" I said. She nodded and we walked in. "My moms in the shower. Would you like a cookie?" I asked sitting down with her at the table. She shook her head right as my mom came down. I smiled and we all sat down and started talking.

-time skip-

Michelle left and it was now about 5:30. I grabbed my bag and packed my makeup and stuff just in case Reese wanted to me to do it. Right as i was done my phone went off.

Myta- hey, our sons plane came early, can you come now? Here's the address. ************ (random address)

I replied with a yea and I grabbed my bag before running down the stairs. I put on my white converse real fast. "Bye mom! I'm going over to Myta's to babysit!" I said before kissing her cheek and running out the door. I forgot the keys so i ran back in and grabbed the keys off the hooks. I ran back out and drove to the herrons house.

Once i got there i quickly parked and walked up to the door. I knocked and after a second a little girl who i think is Reese opened it. "Are you Ashley?" She asked. "Yea, are you Reese?" I asked bending down to her level. "Mommy!! Ashley is here!" She yelled smiling. I smiled and she grabbed my hand. She pulled me inside and told me to take off my shoes. I quickly took them off and she pulled me into the kitchen where Myta and a man were sitting. Probably her husband.

"Ashley, so nice to meet you! This is my husband Josh!" She said and I shook his hand. "So, we will be back in a few hours, just keep them busy. Ryan should be in his room if you wanna go get him when we leave. Reese will show you his room. I left 20 dollars on the fridge for pizza. Have you ate yet?"

I answered by shaking my head no.

"Ok, so we'll see you guys in a few hours. Bye Reese i love you!" She said and kissed Reeses cheek. "Thank you again Ashley." She said hugged me before her and Josh left.

Reese grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. She pulled me into a room where a boy was playing fortnite with headphones on. "Ryan!" I said. He didn't move. I walked over and pulled his headphones off. "What the heck!?" He yelled. "Turn it off bro!" I said. "I'm Ashley! I'm watching you guys until your parents get back with your brother." I said.

He turned off his game and we went into the living room. "Can we play hide 'n' seek?" Ryan asked. I nodded and started counting.

After a few minutes of playing we stopped to order pizza.

-time skip-

We finished eating and they went to get pajamas on. I washed dishes and cleaned up our mess before washing my hands and sitting on the couch. Reese and Ryan came down and we watched a movie.

After a little bit the 2 kids were asleep and the door opened. Reese was snuggled into me. I moved Reese and stood up. I saw their oldest son and we made eye contact.

The whole world stopped and all i saw was him. We just stared into each others eyes.

I was pulled out of my trance by Myta asking me if i wanted to stay over because it was so late. "Yea, let me call my mom real quick." I said and grabbed my phone before walking outside.

Momma💕- hey sweetie!

Me- hey mom! So Myta asked if i wanted to stay over because it's late

Momma💕- thats fine just make sure to be home at decent time tomorrow.

I said ok and hung up. I walked back in told Myta I could stay. She said i could stay in Zach's room who i learned was the oldest who they picked up from the airport. I picked up Reese and me and Zach walked to her room. I layed her down in her bed and kissed her cheek. Zach kissed her cheek too and he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his room i think. He closed the door and gave me a hoodie and a pair of his boxers.

I went into his bathroom and changed my clothes. I went back out and Zach was sitting on his bed shirtless and in a pair of basketball shorts.

I sat down next to him and we ended up talking till midnight.

babysitter//Zach HerronМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя