chapter 8

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Zach's pov

I picked up the note and read it.

Dear Zach,
I'm so sorry for everything. I have something, but if i told you, you'd hate me. It would probably ruin your career. I don't know when you're gonna find where I am, but I just want you to know j love you. If you call and I don't answer it means I'm either sleeping, at the doctors, or just not in the mood. I love you zachy baby! I'll miss you so much!

Love, Ashley <3

I shot up and grabbed my phone. I dialed her number and waited.

Ash💕💞💝- hello?

Me- what the hell Ash!?

Ash💕💞💝- I'm sorry

Me- what do you mean you have something! Get your ass back here! I need you!

Ash💕💞💝- I can't tell you, we can talk every night I was just thinking about getting another place. I promise one day we'll meet again, ok? Call me, text me, face time me, so anything. Just don't try to find me ok?

Me- why'd you leave?

Ash💕💞💝- I told you it's for your own good baby!

Me- who am I gonna talk to about tour and my family?

Ash💕💞💝- we can talk about it on face time and call baby!

Me- ok, I can do it! I love you!

Ash💕💞💝- I love you too baby!

Me- bye

Ash💕💞💝- bye bye

Ashley's pov

I hung up and took a deep breath. I didn't want to cry so I just got a drink of water. Then there was a knock at the door. My heart started racing as I opened the door to see corbyn.

I pulled him inside and closed the door. "Jesus corbyn how'd you find me?" I asked. "It's not hard, also Zach won't leave his room. He said you left him and are never coming back."

"God! I didn't say that! I told him we'll meet up again sometime, I'll answer his calls if I'm not at a doctor's appointment or not in the mood. I told him we could face time and that I just wanted to get my own place."

"Ok, well I'll keep coming back to help you Ok? But, if one day I come with Zach that means he figured me out. And don't blame me for it ok?" He said. I nodded and he helped me unpack more.

Then he made me a sandwich because I was craving one. We talked for a bit when Zach called him. He put a finger to his lip and answered it. He put it on speaker.

Corbyn- waddup?

Zach- where'd you go?

Corbyn- I went to the grocery store and now I'm at my friends

Zach- who?

Corbyn- why?

Zach- we're all gonna try and figure out where Ashley went, so come back

Corbyn- no, I'm gonna stay here for the night Ok?

Zach- alright I'll see you tomorrow

Corbyn- yep see you tomorrow

He hung up. "You don't have to stay Corbyn," I said. "I can't help them find you because I already found you. Also the way I found you was I hacked into your computer! It was really easy."

"Fuck you!" I said.

-time skip-

I was sitting at the table eating Chinese food with Corbyn. I was thirsty so I got up and walked to the kitchen. While I was walking it felt like someone stabbed me in the stomach.

I clutched my stomach in pain while falling to the floor. "Corbyn! My stomach! God!" I yelled.

He ran up and picked me up. Out of nowhere there was a knock at the door. He opened it and it was the 4 other guys.


Corbyn ignored them and ran to me. He picked me up and pushed past them as he went down the hall and diwn the stairs while I groaned in his arms. He placed me in the passenger seat while everyone got in. He then started speeding down the road to the hospital. I can't believe I'm losing this baby.

-time skip-

I sat in the bed gripping Zach's hand when the doctor came in. "I'm so sorry. We couldn't find the baby's heartbeat. We think it's because of your size mixed with your age." The doctor said. I nodded and Zach looked at me. "Is that why you left? Because you were pregnant?" He asked. I nodded and looked down. I didn't want to talk, i just wanted to go home.

When i was finally able to go home i took the opportunity and got dressed really fast and ran out of the hospital. Zach followed me while I started crying and just feel to my knees sobbing. Zach wrapped his arms around me and i sobbed into his chest. "I'm so sorry Zach!" I sobbed clutching his shirt.

"It's ok, it wasn't your fault baby! It wasn't your fault!"

babysitter//Zach HerronDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora