Chapter 36

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Ezra's pov

As I walked into school everyone was staring. Wow word gets around fast!

I put my stuff in my locker and went to home room. As I sat down everyone stared and whispered in groups. The attention on me made me feel anxious and scared.

Everyone's attention turned to the door and I looked over. Anthony stood there towering over me with sharp teeth and huge claws.

I tried to scream but nothing came out. Everything felt like it was closing in on me before it all started fading and I heard someone say my name.

"Ez! Ez wake up!"

I shot up drenched in sweat and tears falling from my eyes.

"Ezra! Are you ok sweetie?" My mom asked sitting next to me in bed.

"I don't wanna go to school!" I sobbed.

She rubbed my back soothingly. "It's ok Ez! How bout you take a sick day and chill out. You're a little warm. Will you be ok on your own today? Mom and dad have to go to work." She said and kissed my head.

I nodded and held her hand against my face. Her touch made me feel a little better.

"Ok. I've gotta go! I love you!" She said and kissed my head again before walking out of my room.

I heard her and my dad talking before my dad walked downstairs and into Zay's room.

I heard him say Ezra and I knew he was telling him I'm staying home.

He then closed Zay's door and walked over to my room. He came over and sat next to me.

"Are you doing ok? These nightmares have been happening for a couple nights." He asked holding my hand

"Yeah dad I'm ok." I said and gave him a small fake smile.

"Ok. I love you!" He said and kissed my head.

"Love you too." I said and he smiled before leaving my room.

Oh god!

-time skip-

Xavier's pov

I dropped the kids off at school before going to my school.

I parked and walked inside. My knuckles are still busted as fuck though so that sucks.

I walked to my locker and saw Alex and Tyler waiting.

"Hey Zay. How's Ez?" Tyler asked.

"Not good. She's been having bad nightmares and she hasn't gone to school the last week." I said looking down.

Alex patted my back a little bit and I gave him a small thankful smile.

We all high fived before separating to our first periods.

-time skip-

I parked in the middle school parking lot and Asher and Angel walked out.

Asher got in the passenger seat while angel got in the back.

We drove home and I parked in the driveway. We went inside and I heard mom and dad talking lowly in the kitchen.

I set my stuff down and crunches under the counter.

"Somethings definitely up with Ezra. The nightmares, the low fevers, I think something happened bad happened but she doesn't want us to know! I mean it's been going on since we got home!" My mom said.

"Ok. Let's just leave her alone for a bit. See what happens. If it keeps happening we'll ask her about it." My dad said

My mom said a quick ok and I bolted downstairs.

babysitter//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now