chapter 35

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Xavier's pov
(9 years later)

I woke up to my alarm and groaned. I quickly shut it off and got up. I took a quick shower before changing into a pair of black jeans with rips in the knees, an adidas shirt, and my Herron hoodie.

I quickly ran my fingers through my hair and put on my glasses. I put on my black long socks before pulling on my checkered vans.

I grabbed my bag and put my books inside before zipping it and going upstairs.

Ezra was sitting at the table eating an eggo waffle.

She held one up and I snatched it. "Thanks!" I said with it in my mouth.

She smiled and put her plate in the sink.

"Asher! Angel! You guys ready?" I called upstairs.

"Hey Zay! We'll take the twins you guys just get to school ok?" My mom said putting her earrings in. She was wearing a long black dress and her hair was pinned up.

"Do you want me to pick them up since you guys are gonna be gone?" I asked

"Yes! We'll only be gone a couple days! Your dad has this thing with the guys!" My mom said slipping her silver high heels on.

"Alright Ez let's go!" I said grabbing my keys and phone. I don't know why my mom was gonna take them, they go to the same school as Ezra.

We hugged my mom goodbye. Before yelling goodbye to our dad and leaving.

We got in my car and I drove to the school. I got to Ezra's school and she opened the door.

We did the why don't we hand shake and she smiled before getting out.

"Love you!" I yelled

"I love you too!" She yelled back

I smiled and drove to the high school next to her school.

I parked and walked inside.

"Yo Zay!" My friend, Xander waved me towards him.

I walked over and high fived them all.

"So! You coming over tonight? My parents aren't home and my uncle got us some of the good stuff!" Xander said

"Can't! Parents are gone. Gotta watch the siblings!" I said putting my stuff in my locker.

"C'mon man! You have to!" Tyler

"I would but I seriously can't. I have to pick up Ezra and the twins after school, Ezra has dance, Asher has basketball, and Angel has volleyball." I said

"Damn! Why don't we just come over?" Alex asked

"Hell no! Last time you guys came over, Anthony touched Ezra, and you guys blared the music so loud the twins couldn't sleep. So no! I'm not coming out and you're not coming over! End of discussion!" I said and closed my locker.

"Jeez! Sorry Zay!" Tyler said.

"Sorry. I have a lot on my plate with my parents being gone, having to watch the kids, and don't get me started on studying for the act test!" I said

"It's cool! Hey! Maybe next weekend!" Alex said patting my back

"Yea. Maybe next weekend." I said and we all went to class.

-time skip-

I was sitting in my fifth period class taking notes when the teachers phone rang.

I watched the teacher answer it.

"Yea...ok...I'll let him know! Thanks. Bye." She said before hanging up

babysitter//Zach HerronTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon