Chapter 26

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It's been a couple days and I keep getting messages from that girl. Damn! I need to change my fucking number.

Xavier was eating some cereal at the table while pj masks was on the tv.

There was a knock on the door and I kissed Xavier's head before walking to the door. I opened it and Zach stood there with his bags.

I slammed the door and locked it. "C'mon Ash! Please let me explain?" He asked through the door.

"I'll open it but you cannot come in!" I said before opening the door.

"I found the girl who sent that to you. I will FaceTime her right now and ask her about it!" He said.

I waved my hand telling him to do it.

He got his phone out and I watched him dial her number. Her name in his phone was dumb bitch.

She answered.

Dumb bitch- hey Zachy!

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

Zach- seriously Anna! Stop! Tell Ashley that what you sent was from when I was 15.

Dumb bitch- why?

Zach- because! I don't know you. You're just a crazy limelight. Ashley is my fiancé and I love her. I would never cheat on her!

Dumb bitch- ugh! Fine. That thing I sent you! It wasn't even Zach. It was me and some random guy! Sorry.

Zach- thanks

Zach hung up and I rolled my eyes. "Momma? I'm done!" Xavier said from behind me. He walks over and hides behind my legs.

"Hey Zay!" Zach said.

"Hi." He waved and looked up at me. "Zay? Can you go play in your room please? Mommy and daddy have to talk." I asked. He nodded and ran away.

"Can I at least come in?" He asked. "I guess." I said and opened the door more so he could walk in.

He left his bags by the door and we sat on the couch. "How could you?" I said as tears filled my eyes.

"I didn't cheat on you!"

"How did she even get my number!?"

"I don't know Ash! Limelight's do crazy shit!"

"How can you even say that!? The way she answered the phone was not something a limelight would do! So! How do you know her!?"

"I don't kno-"

"How do you know her!?" I yelled

"She' ex! She's a crazy bitch who doesn't know how to control herself. She was diagnosed bipolar a long time ago and she chooses not to take her meds. She came to see me the night I went to spend time with my family. She took my phone and put your number in her phone cause she refused to leave after I told her many fucking times! When you sent me that picture I go so pissed off that I started drinking. Like hard drinking and I...I scared Reese. She tried to call you once but I took my phone back." He said and looked down.

I grabbed my phone and saw one voicemail from Zach.

I opened it and played it.

"Ashley!? Please answer!! Zach is drunk and he's really scary! Why aren't you answering!?"

"Reese give me back my phone!!"

There was banging on the door and Zach shouting!

"Please Ashley! I need your help!!"

There was more shouting and more banging until there was a huge bang making me gasp. "Reese! Give me my phone! Now!!" I heard Zach yell.

"Ow Zach your drunk!" Reese shouted. Tears fell from my eyes as Zach stared at his hands.

"Phone!" He yelled

"Please Ashley." She said before the voicemail ended.

I put the phone down slowly as tears kept falling. Zach looked up and he was crying too.

"You hurt her?" I whispered. He looked down again.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? You've never turned to drinking! Why would you hurt you own sister!?" I yelled

"I was drunk!"

"That's not a fucking excuse! She's 7 years old! 7! Zach! 7 fucking years old!"

"I'm sorry! I can't even live with myself right now! Reese jumps every time she sees me. I try to apologize and she screams and runs away!"

"That's because you scared her! What did you do to her!?"

"All I did was grab her wrist! I grabbed it way too hard! And now there's....there's."

He couldn't find the words to finish the sentence.

"A handprint? Like a bruise?"

He just nodded.

"Do you know what people are gonna think!? They're gonna think that your parents are abusing her! She's gonna get hated on picked on all of that! I know how that feels! I was a junior and I had handprints because my dad had came home while my mom was on a business trip. He gave me handprints,bruises, cuts. Do you now how bad that's gonna feel on a seven year old girl!?"

"No Ash! Obviously I don't!"

"Get out! I can't even stand you right now!" I said and wiped my tears.

He got up and walked to the door. I walked with him and he turned to me. My anger boiled up and I don't know what I was thinking. *slap* echoed through the apartment.

"I deserved that!" He said before leaving.

I slammed the door and slid down it. I grabbed my phone and called Myta.

Myta- hey Ash!

Me- I need to talk to Reese!

Myta- of course one second.

Reese- hello?

Me- hi Reese!

Reese- hi Ashley.

Me- I am so sorry Reese! I listened to your message and I'm sorry I couldn't answer your call! How's your wrist?

Reese- its doing ok. There's a bruise on my wrist in the shape of a hand.

Me- I am so sorry Reese. I can't even explain how sorry I am!

Reese- is Zach coming home ever?

Her voice was squeaky and scared

Me- I don't know but I promise I won't let him hurt you ok?

Reese- ok.

Me- bye Reese.

Reese- bye Ash!

I hung up and went to see what Xavier was doing. He was laying in bed sleeping. I smiled and walked over. I kissed his head before walking out. I went to my room and layed down. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

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