not an update

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HI, thank you for everyone who read this i can't believe how popular it got thank u so much means the world to me to have people want to read what i write ur all amazing

there will be no sequel (unfortunately) im sorry to everyone who wanted one, i just decided to put in what happens after so if you're interested please read/comment on it

follow my accounts (i follow back) if you want

FOLLOW MY VINE - halsey frangipanini

personal twitter - @jollyjuice (the first l is a capital i) this is deactivated don't follow this

fandom twitter - @daenaryscliffrd

instagram - @jollyjuice_

tumblr - halsey-frangipanini

vine - halsey frangipanini ( I make edits)

love talking to u guys so dont be shy :))

thank u so much for reading if u want to read another one of my fics i have two other completed - arabella (Harry styles) and feeling this (Ashton Irwin)

you should all head over to mashtonteller to read a 5sos biker fic by ewashton and i

goodbye x

so i'm going to rowyso toronto (august 25th) and i'm going alone so like idk if anyone reading this is going and would want to say hi to me this is weird but like thought i'd just put this in here if anyone was ! 

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