Arc 1: Sleeping Beauty

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Cerise slowly opened his eyes and what he saw made him look around in shock.

[System: ∑(。・Д・。)??? ]

Either the world has shrunk or he himself has grown. He looked down at himself and was shocked even further.

Cerise: This. . . .

He was covered in shiny onyx colored scales that shimmered like jewels under the light. Strong, sharp claws that look like it can cut through trees like butter. A long tail that curved around himself with a sword-like tip. He looked back and found a magnificent expanse of black wings. He slowly exhaled and saw smoke exit out his nostrils and mouth.

Cerise: I'm a dragon!!!

[System: Host is so cool!!!╰(✧∇✧)╯]

Cerise: Jing! Why am I a dragon?!

He really didn't expect this, he was that very same mythical beast from every fantasy novel. A black dragon.

He looked around once more, the trees were so small and cute. He felt like he was looking at broccoli. He tried to move but heard a loud clang. He turned his gaze down and saw a metal cuff attached to his leg which was then attached to a chain. He tried tugging on it and saw that the length was enough for him to fly a bit. When he tried to break them he felt a huge shock of pain, a painful roar erupted from his mouth and the sound echoed across making birds fly and animals run away in fright.

Cerise: That hurt!

[System: Host, it seems that the metal is enchanted and cannot be broken. ]

Cerise: Jing, what's happening??

[System: Host has successfully transported to host's first world. Would you like the storyline of this fairytale? ]

Cerise nods. Jing glows brightly then a large storybook appeared in front of him. The pages were a soft white and the bounding was designed beautifully with chocolate leather inlaid with jewels. On the cover with gold scripture was written "Book of Lore".

The world's storyline was written:

Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time, there lived a prosperous kingdom with a generous king and queen. One day, they were blessed with a beautiful princess and named her Briar Rose for her beauty. They invited everyone around the kingdom and beyond to celebrate her birth. Filled with jealousy, the evil witch who was shunned, cursed Briar Rose to die on her sixteenth birthday. Thanks to nearby fairies, they changed the curse so that she only falls into a deep sleep that can be ended with a kiss of true love. When she became sixteen she was hidden away in a magic castle where she lay in deep sleep waiting for her savior. But the evil witch had found out about her whereabouts and so placed a guardian to ward everyone away. The prince from the neighboring kingdom was then scent to rescue the princess. He defeated the guardian, kissed the princess awake and they lived happily ever after.

When Cerise finished reading, he nodded with appreciation. This fairytale was a classic, every person read this story when they were young. His face then fell when he realized what his role was in this world.

[System: Host is the infamous guardian~!! ]

Cerise deadpanned, but then again, he would rather not be part of the main cast. He stared at the large castle next to him. . . . Doesn't it look too old and broken down? It was close to being in ruins and covered in vegetation.

Cerise: Jing, isn't this castle too old? I thought it was a magic castle.

[System: Jing will check for host! . . . . Σ('◉⌓◉') Host!!! It says here that it has already been a hundred years since the start of the storyline! ]

Cerise: No wonder, look at this huge pile of skeletons. Must have been all the people who tried to get past the dragon. What about the princess?

[System: Let me check! . . . . Host, she's still sleeping and has not aged at all~ Magic~]

Cerise: Does this mean the story continues?

[System: Yes host. It seems that the kingdoms have forgotten about the princess and just come here to kill the dragon and bring "honor" to their respective kingdoms.  It has become some sort of tradition now.  ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)? Humans are weird host, look at all those dead bodies~ ]

Cerise: This storyline is already messed up. So I guess that means I have to wait for the destined one. . . . . Doesn't that mean I have to get killed?

[System: Don't worry host~ The Starter Adventurer Pack contains No-Pain pills! ]

Cerise: You didn't tell me anything about this Adventurer Pack.

[System:  ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )  I'm sorry host~ Don't get mad at Jing~ I forgot! The Starter Adventurer Pack contains 1,000 points, 3 No-Pain pills, 1 life-saving potion, and 1 free skill book.

Cerise looks over the item and found that they were all useful and good items. He was satisfied. He sighed once again facing his reality.

Cerise: Guess I'll just take a nap until someone comes. Jing, can you alert me when someone comes?

[System: Alright host! Nighty-night! . . . . . . ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ I'm bored. ]

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