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This is a story, one that is not particularly happy in the beginning, but trust me there are always silver linings. This is the story of young love, as cliche as it sounds. Let's take you to the beginning of the end shall we...

It was the year 2006. The day, July 15. Both Sebastian Stan and his fiancé Veronica Santiago were 24, two years out of college. It was going to be a glorious wedding, one they would remember forever. Turns out it would become a day to remember, but for all the wrong reasons.

Sebastian stood silently, rocking back and forth to the tune of the music as everyone began walking down the aisle. Then he saw her.

She looked beautiful, her deep brown hair had been pulled into a braid crown around her head, the long, sheer veil clipped to it. Due to the heat, she wore a strapless wedding dress, in the traditional white color. It was a chiffon material, that flowed out after it reached her hips. She carried a bouquet of white flowers in one hand, her other was wrapped around her father's arm.

As she got closer to the white gazebo Sebastian was waiting at, she turned to her father.

"Papá, am I doing the right thing?" Veronica questioned. Her father's shocked expression told her enough. "Never mind." Veronica's father was a large man, over six foot three, with a black beard and mustache, and wavy black hair. He towered over Veronica and her 5' 6" frame.

She reached Sebastian, let go of her father, and took her place in front of friends and family. Sebastian took her hands into his, and smiled as he gave her hands a slight squeeze. She smiled, but couldn't help the rising feelings that told her something was wrong. The priest began the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate and witness the union of Mr. Sebastian Stan and Miss. Veronica Santiago in marriage..."

Veronica could hear the priest, but she began tuning things out, one by one. She couldn't process what was going on, the fact that she was to be married. She wanted to be with Sebastian, that was for sure. So why did this feel so wrong?

"Do you, Sebastian Stan, take Veronica Santiago, as your lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, to love and cherish until death do you part?" Sebastian looked deeply into Veronica's eyes as he replied.

"I do."

"And do you Veronica Santiago, take Sebastian Stan, as your lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, to love and cherish until death do you part?" Veronica looked down at the bottom of her dress, inspecting the grass beneath her. She felt a slight squeeze in her hands, causing her to look at Sebastian.

"Are you okay?" Sebastian mouthed silently to her. She attempted to force words out, but no matter how much she moved her mouth, the sounds refused to come out all the same.

Veronica felt all eyes on her, including the priest, as she felt a single tear drop fall from her eye. She felt it's coldness in her cheek as it slowly rolled down, making its way to her neck, than to the floor. She swallowed, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to come out in waves.

"I um," Veronica stuttered. She took a deep breath in and closed her eyes. You need to get out of here. Veronica opened her eyes slowly, her eyes beginning to water heavily.

Without warning, she ran away from the altar, as fast as she could with her puffy dress and high heels. Everyone gasped and turned to watch her run past them. The bouquet remained in her grasp as she reached the parking area. She continued to go farther, reaching the park on the other side of the reception. No one seemed to be there, so Veronica threw herself onto a lonely park bench.

She weeped as quietly as she could, her breaths choppy and short. She sniffled to herself, when she heard the sound of someone running towards her.

"Roni?" She looked up to see Sebastian walking towards her, a look of utter confusion and concern wiped across his face. He stopped next to the bench, and sat down beside Veronica.

He looked at her, realizing how distraught she truly looked. Her typically expressive chocolate eyes were now dull, watery, and red. Her gold eyeshadow was smeared around her eyes, and her mascara had blended into her tears, sending black tears down her face, staining it greatly. Her under eyes had puffed up, and her red lipstick was smudged around her mouth. She looked like a mess.

"Please leave," Veronica whispered, her words barely audible due to her choppy breaths. Sebastian put a hand on her thigh. She bit her lip and squinted her eyes closed.

"I'm not leaving," Sebastian pressed. "I understand if your nervous, I am too. But come with me, please."

"You don't understand," Veronica stated, removing Sebastian's hand from her thigh. " I don't want to go with you." Sebastian looked into her eyes, saw the hardened look that glazed over them.

"If there's something wrong, tell me. I can help you Veronica," Sebastian pleaded.

"This isn't something that can be fixed Sebastian. Not now," Veronica cried, her tears falling about. "I'm a mess, and I can't bring you into my life, not in this way."

Sebastian began stuttering, making inaudible noises, as Veronica stood up, and began walking away.

"Lubirea Mea?" The Romanian whispered. My love. Veronica turned to face him one last time.

"Lo siento amor," The Spanish woman muttered before she disappeared out of sight. I'm sorry love.

Hey y'all what's up? I wanted to point out that I am by no means fluent in Spanish and I literally know one thing in Romanian. Basically, google translate is my new best friend, as I will try to incorporate both Spanish and Romanian into the story. That being said, if any mistakes are made, let me know. Your help is strongly appreciated:)

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