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Veronica woke up to the sound of an alarm. She tossed and turned underneath her covers, groaning at the blaring noises. She heard someone turn over and silence the alarm clock, and saw Sebastian climbing out of the bed.

"Morning," Veronica mumbled, nearly falling out of bed. She rubbed her eyes and tumbled over to Sebastian, who was making his way to the bathroom. "Sleep well?"

Sebastian nodded as he felt Veronica wrap her arms around his waist, hugging him from behind.

They stayed there comfortably as the memories of the night before came flooding back. How the kiss of reassurance had turned into a kiss of passion. How her tears dried as they stumbled to the bed. How they solidified their love once again. 

Veronica slowly removed her arms from his waist, allowing Sebastian to leave the room as she changed into her casual clothes that she would wear to set. She pinned up her hair and applied moisturizer before making her way to the kitchen.

Veronica hummed a random tune to herself as she filled a bowl of cereal with milk. She was completely oblivious to Sebastian creeping up behind her.

"AHHHHHH," Sebastian screamed. Veronica screamed a very similar scream as she turned around, her hands covering her eyes.

"fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou!" Veronica wailed through giggles. Sebastian laughed as he grabbed Veronica by the waist and spun her around. As he placed her down, he leaned in for a quick kiss.

Veronica smiled once he pulled away from her. She then turned her focus back to the cereal, picking it up and carrying it to the dining table.

"That for me?" Sebastian asked.

"It could have been but then you scared me, so no," Veronica retorted before sitting down and swallowing a spoonful of Cheerios.

"I guess that's fair," Sebastian said, already pouring milk into his own cereal bowl. He moved over to the dining table, sitting across from Veronica. He looked down at his bowl before looking at Veronica. "I know you might hate me for asking, but I think I deserve to know. Why did you do it?"

Veronica chewed on her lower lip as she looked around the room, doing any and everything to avoid eye contact. With a deep exhale, she began.

"I missed you."

"You missed me?" Sebastian asked, confusion and hurt creeping into his voice. "So you decided to go fuck someone else? Roni that doesn't make any sense."

"I know and I regret it everyday. But I was in Boston and you were in New York," Veronica tried to explain herself, but she began hating the excuses she felt as though she was giving. "God I sound like such an idiot."

Veronica rubbed her temples. "We has just gotten together and then we were separated again. I missed everything about you and I thought that sleeping with someone else would take the pain away. And it did the exact opposite."

"I'm so sorry Sebastian, what I did was awful and I hate myself for it. It was a one time thing and I would never do anything to hurt you again."

Sebastian looked down at his cereal, spinning his spoon around the bowl. Veronica anxiously waited for a response, fiddling with her fingers.

"I-I really don't know what to say," Sebastian finally said. "It's a lot to process."

"I understand that and I completely understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore."

Veronica quietly stood up, bringing her now empty bowl with her to the sink.


Veronica turned, utterly confused.


"I mean, no, I don't want to leave you," Sebastian said as he stood up. "We're starting over, remember?"

Veronica softly nodded as Sebastian met her in the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head in her neck. She smiled as he planted soft kisses up her neck.

"So it's official? We're official?" Veronica asked.

Sebastian spun her around to face him. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I guess we are," Sebastian confirmed before lifting her up and spinning her around. Veronica giggled like a child, blissfully in ecstasy.

Sooooooo....long time no see eh? I don't really have a reason for my absence, i've just had little to no motivation to continue this story. However, I didn't want to give up on this story, and I would really love to get it finished for you guys. I'm so grateful for all of you that have continued to support my story! Thank you all so much!

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