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Messages between Evil Snail🐌 and Salty Shrimp🦐

Evil Snail🐌:

Salty Shrimp🦐:

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Salty Shrimp🦐:

Evil Snail🐌:Oh my god you replied

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Evil Snail🐌:
Oh my god you replied. Holy shit you replied

Evil Snail🐌:
Where are you?

Salty Shrimp🦐:
My airBnB.

Salty Shrimp🦐:

Salty Shrimp🦐:
Veronica what's going on?

Salty Shrimp🦐:

Sebastian spent the next few minutes staring at his phone, waiting for Veronica's reply. His knuckles began to grow white as he gripped his phone tighter and tighter. He was just about to type another message when he heard a soft knock on his door. He jerked his head to the door. Another timid sound came from the door. Sebastian slowly stood up and made his way to the door. His hand lingered at the doorknob for a moment, unaware of what to do next.

He quickly grabbed the doorknob, and forcefully opened the door without a second thought. When the door opened, he saw Veronica shyly looking at him. She looked tired, her hair pulled messily back into a high ponytail, her black t-shirt long enough that it had become a dress.

"Hi," Sebastian timidly greeted. Veronica gave a half-hearted smile as her eyes began welling up with tears. Her sniffling began filling the room as she reached back and closed the door behind her. Sebastian awkwardly stood still, unsure of what to do and what to say.

Veronica reached her arms out, walking closer to Sebastian. He allowed her to pull him into a hug, placing his hands on her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder. Her soft and delicate whimpers escaped her lips, her tears staining his shirt. Time stood still as they remained silent for what felt like hours. Neither of them spoke. Neither of them had to.

After around five minutes of silent hugging, Veronica pulled away. She rubbed her nose, looking down at her shoes.

"I uh, I guess I should um, I think I owe you an apology," Veronica stuttered, her eyes still glued to the floor. "Everything I did was wrong. I was acting petty and irrational. You have every right to be upset, and I understand if you don't want anything to do with me."

Sebastian began giggling. Veronica looked up at him in confusion and concern. "You're really uncomfortable right now, I can tell," he stated. She awkwardly smiled in response. "You're forgiven Roni."

A breath of relief escaped her lips as she pulled Sebastian into another hug. "Thank you. I promise I won't fuck anything up again," she whispered delicately.

"You better keep that promise Veronica Santiago," Sebastian jokingly warned. "I want whatever happens between us to be good. I don't want us to fall apart again."

"The Spotify apology was kinda weird though," Sebastian commented. "Maybe try something else next time." Veronica playfully smacked his arm.

"Don't even act like it wasn't good," Veronica retorted. "You replied in Spotify, so you are in no way shape or form allowed to make fun of me."

"Mmhmm," Sebastian sarcastically mumbled as the pair pulled away from each other again. "Wanna get dinner or something after work tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot," Veronica happily said as she headed for the couch. She lay herself down comfortably, covering her eyes with her hands. "We should watch The Office."

"Roni, it's ten o'clock at night," Sebastian criticized. He walked to the couch, sitting on its edge.

"Your point?" Veronica questioned, sitting up. She grabbed the remote and turned the t.v. on, scrolling through the channels until she found one that happened to be playing reruns of The Office. She happily moved into a cross legged position, as Sebastian moved to sit next to her.

After two episodes, Sebastian turned to look at Veronica. He saw her asleep, peacefully laying on the couch. He quietly stood up, turned the t.v. off, and went to his room to grab a blanket. Once he found a fuzzy gray blanket, he went back into the living room, draping the blanket over Veronica. He then quietly maneuvered himself back onto the couch, where he quickly fell asleep.

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