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Veronica sat at the glass dining table that sat in the middle of her dining room, a half empty pint of chocolate ice cream in her hand. As she shoved the spoon in, grabbing a large spoonful, and stuffed it into her mouth, she heard the sound of socks shuffling through the apartment. She looked up and saw her best friend and roommate Becca Whitney scurrying to her.

"Shouldn't you be watching what you eat? You are going to be a superhero after all," Becca questioned as she sat down across from Veronica. Veronica rolled her eyes as she scooped another spoonful.

"Since you never come out of your room unless you want food, I have a feeling you want to ask and or tell me something," Veronica pressed, raising an eyebrow.

"Goddamnit you know me too well," Becca scoffed as she took one of Veronica's hands. "I think you know what I'm going to say."

"That Dunkin Donuts are half price tomorrow? Yeah I heard that!" Veronica exclaimed, removing her hand from Becca's grasp and giving it a high five. Becca gave Veronica an annoyed look, causing Veronica to look down at the table.

"Stop it," Becca scolded. "Listen, I know avoiding confrontation and running away from your problems is kinda your thing, but this is not something you can avoid."

"I know. That's why I'm avoiding it as much as possible right now." Veronica hung her head down and closed her eyes.

"Roni, you're acting like a child!" Becca exclaimed. "You two were best friends for fucks sake! How old were you when you two met? Fourteen? Fifteen?"

"Twelve," Veronica snapped as she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"That just proves my point even more!" Becca yelled. "You cared for him more than you ever cared for anyone else. I know you still care about him, and I know that deep down, you want him back." Veronica threw her spoon into the sink as she put her head in her hands, her fingers digging into her scalp.

"Maybe so. Doesn't take away from the fact that I'm an asshole, I know it. I ran away from everyone and everything without a goodbye. It's been eight years, but I still don't want to face him. There's so much to apologize for. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve anyone." Despite the muffled sound, Becca heard every word Veronica said. She stood up and went to the kitchen, placing a hand on Veronica's arched back.

"You are not an asshole, do you hear me? As shitty as it is, what happened eight years ago happened. There's nothing you can do to fix those mistakes, but you can own up to them," Becca said softly, rubbing circles around Veronica's back. "Tell him everything. He deserves to know why."

Veronica slowly began shifting upwards, until she was once again standing straight. She took a deep breath in, then exhaled out.

"Yeah, I guess he does," Veronica mumbled softly. Becca beamed as she wrapped Veronica into a tight side hug. Once she released Veronica, Veronica began looking around their apartment. "You know, LA has really grown on me during the eight years we've lived here, but I think it's time to go back home."

Becca's jaw dropped as she stared at Veronica in awe. "Your kidding right?" Veronica shook her head, causing Becca to squeal and start jumping around the apartment. Because Becca was such a loyal and good friend, she followed Veronica to Los Angeles, but she had always been a New Yorker at heart.

Becca ran up to Veronica, pulling her into a tight hug. "I'm proud of you Roni!" The two girls closed their eyes and hugged in silence for a few moments.

"Thank you Bec. I honestly have no idea where I would be without you," Veronica squeezed Becca tight before releasing her from her grasp. "But we're still getting donuts tomorrow  right?" Becca rolled her eyes. "What? You know, existing really sucks sometimes. I'm going to need some donuts."

Becca began walking back to her room before Veronica stopped her again. "When did you get so wise Bec? You should give advice much more than you do." Becca tossed a piece of her bright red hair behind her shoulder.

"Honey I've had half a bottle of wine and a twenty count Chicken McNugget meal and it's not even two in the afternoon yet. I'm basically Dr. Phil."

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