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"And CUT!" Joe Russo yelled from the director's chair. Veronica groaned as she attempted to stand up from her position on the ground. She wobbled and slipped a little bit before standing up. She winced at the feeling of soreness flowing through her body. "That's all for today. Great job everyone."

Veronica hobbled to her trailer, attempting to shake off the pain of her aching muscles. Having to perform three fight scenes in a day was not an easy task, and Veronica knew she wouldn't be able to feel her legs the next day.

As soon as Veronica stepped into her trailer, she reached for her phone. Without closing the door, she connected her phone to her speaker, turning on the song Bidi Bidi Bom Bom by Selena.

Veronica listened to this song nearly every day, to help clear her head. Whenever she heard the first note, she was taken back to her childhood, where she would dance alongside her mother and father across the living room carpet.

As the song went on, Veronica closed her eyes and grinned to herself, shaking her head and snapping her fingers to the beat of the music.

"I see some things haven't changed," a voice said from behind Veronica. She immediately stopped snapping, and quickly went to turn off the music. She turned to find Sebastian standing in the doorway, still in his black outfit from the airport fight sequence. The only thing gone was his signature metal arm. She gave Sebastian an annoyed look. He quietly chuckled as the pair stood on opposite sides of the trailer, silently.

"You don't look too good," Veronica announced, finally breaking the silence. Sebastian looked at her uncomfortably. "I mean, your all sweaty. You look fine, great even." Veronica mentally face palmed as she realized what she had just blurted out.

"Yeah, well when your shooting in the sun for eight hours you can expect a little sweat," Sebastian said matter-of-factly. Veronica giggled under her breath, causing Sebastian to beam like a child. "How've you been Roni? I've missed you."

As Sebastian began walking closer to Veronica, she felt her stomach twist and turn. Her palms began sweating and she felt her mouth grow dry.

"Well, you know, I um," Veronica stuttered, barely making noises. "I'm good. Yeah, good." Veronica let out a breath of relief as Sebastian stopped. He was now inches away from her.

"That's good. I'm glad," Sebastian mumbled. The tension in the room grew rapidly, until it felt as if you could cut it with a knife. Veronica began rocking back and forth onto her heels to keep busy, as Sebastian scanned her trailer.

As if they had been saved by the bell, Sebastian's phone pinged, causing him to take it out and check it. He rolled his eyes and began rubbing his temples as he read the messages.

"Everything okay?" Veronica asked timidly. He looked up from his phone, placing it back into his pocket.

"Yeah," Sebastian nodded. "It's just Rosemary." Veronica nodded her head, understanding why he had seemed irritated.

"So sorry," Veronica exclaimed, clutching her heart, pretending to act sympathetic. Sebastian cocked his head, a fake angry look on his face. Veronica tried her best not to laugh but she couldn't. In seconds, she was nearly in tears, she was laughing so hard.

"Te he extañado," Veronica whispered once her laughs had calmed down. I've missed you. She wasn't sure if she was worried that he had heard her, or that he hadn't, but she suddenly felt worried nonetheless.

"Eu simpt acelasi lucru," Sebastian whispered as well. I feel the same way. Veronica cleared her throat as quietly as possible, as she moved to her phone. She played the song once again from the beginning.

"I'm so sorry if this sounds rude, but I'm meeting up with Lizzie and Scarlett in an hour and..." Veronica's voice trailed off.

"Oh! I'm sorry I kept you waiting," Sebastian apologized. "I'll see you soon Roni." With a small, yet sly wink, he turned and walked out the door, closing it behind him. Veronica felt as if she could breathe again, as if she was holding it in the entire time Sebastian was there.

Veronica changed into her comfortable clothes, and before she turned off the lights in her trailer, she mumbled to herself, "What am I about to get myself into?"

Y'all 200 reads?!?! Thank you so much!!!😘😘

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