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You've Been CIVIL WARned:
13 members

Father Downey:
Party at my place tonight. 8:30.

Winter Boo Bear:
Is it okay if Rosemary comes?

Miss America:
Did you two get back together?

You two broke up??

Winter Boo Bear:
No and yes.

Scarlett Fever:
I know this sounds bitchy as hell, but if you aren't together, why would you invite her? And why is she in Atlanta?

Winter Boo Bear:
She asked if I wanted to go out to dinner with her and I told her I couldn't because I would be in Atlanta. She bought a plane ticket and she wants to see all of you.

Father Downey:
It's fine with me.

Tweet Tweet Bih:


Veronica applied rose gold shimmer eyeshadow to the inner corners of her eyes. She had already changed into a navy blue pencil skirt and a fitted long sleeve white mock-neck top, and her navy pumps sat waiting in a corner.

Scarlett and Elizabeth were also getting ready with Veronica, Scarlett fussed with her hair, and Lizzie slipped into her black booties.

Once the trio finished preparing for the party, they sat on Veronica's bed, talking. Even though Veronica had met the two of them very recently, she felt as if she had known them forever, and she could tell them any and everything.

"So I know this subject is probably touchy," Scarlett stated, leaning back onto the pillows. "But could you tell us what happened with you and Sebastian?" Scarlett quickly began feeling as if she had crossed a line. "If you're uncomfortable talking about it, you don't have to."

Veronica took a deep breath. "No, it's alright. I feel like I've been running away for so long, I think it's a good time to talk about it. Out loud." Veronica looked at Lizzie, then to Scarlett, then back to Lizzie. She closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, she gave Scarlett and Lizzie a timid smile. Each of them grabbed one of Veronica's hands, as she began.

"Well, I guess I should go from the very beginning. We were both twelve when he moved into the apartment room next to mine," Veronica said, her mind filling to the brim with happy memories she had with Sebastian.

"I was intrigued by him, he interested me. So, one day, I decided to go talk to him. It was hot outside, and our apartments didn't have A.C. So I brought grape popsicles for us." Veronica looked down as she felt her throat locking up, her eyes threatening to fill with tears. "Sorry," she whispered, her voice cracking. She looked up, blinking heavily to keep the tears from falling and ruining her makeup. She cleared her throat, and continued.

"I asked him if he wanted the popsicle, and he said yes," Veronica began giggling under her breath. "You should have seen him, it was like I offered him a life time supply of candy."

"So we went out to the front of the complex, ate popsicles, and just hung out. There was something about him that I found unique, so that day, I decided he would be my best friend."

"Then we went to high school together, and we grew closer. I started developing feelings for him in my sophomore year, I don't know about him. But we never admitted it, at least not until later on. We dated other people, despite the fact that my feelings grew every time we were together." Veronica could see Lizzie and Scarlett grinning widely as she continued on. She understood why, it seemed as if her life had come from some weird fan fiction.

"Let's see, nothing really happened in high school. Just a lot of good memories of us hanging out together. College is when things started to heat up, if you will," Veronica said, raising her eyebrows. "I went to Boston for college, and he stayed in New York. I think during that first year we both realized how much we had come to mean to each other."
Veronica's voice began trailing off as she began to zone out, remembering the day they made their relationship official.

"Veronica?" Lizzie asked softly, causing Veronica to snap back to reality.

"Where was I? Oh, yeah, college!" Veronica exclaimed as she began scooting around slightly on the bed. "So it was the summer after the first year of college, and I went back to New York. After around the third day back, Sebastian called me, asking if I was busy. I told him no, and he hung up the phone. About ten minutes later he calls again and tells me he's outside." Veronica began beaming as she recalled the day.

"We drove to Coney Island, and spent the day there. He kept trying to impress me, but he failed miserably," Veronica began laughing loudly. "He lost every game he played, and he played ten games," Veronica clutched her side as she laughed louder and louder. As she calmed down, she resumed once more.

"Once the day was over, we went to his car to head back home. I got into the passenger seat, and once he sat down, he grabbed my hands. He looked me in the eyes, and asked me if I wanted to go on an 'official date' with him," Veronica explained, making air quotes when she said, "official date."

"So we went on an official date. And another. And another. We basically spent the entire summer next to each other. It was..." Veronica trailed off. "Incredible." Lizzie and Scarlett smiled bigger.

"Four years passed. We made the long-distance work," Veronica said, clearing her throat in a way many would find exaggerated. "And when I returned to New York after college, he proposed."

"How?" Lizzie asked, clearly intrigued by this story.

"He took me to the top of the Empire State Building, where he had set up rose petals in a trail that led to a ring box," Veronica felt tears threatening once again, so she lifted her head up, in hopes that they would not fall. Luckily they didn't, but her looming sadness still remained.

"I obviously said yes, and we were scheduled to be married on July fifteenth in 2006. Everything was right. I had a dress, we had the venue, invitations were out. Everything was perfect. Except for me." Veronica wanted to explain what she meant, but she couldn't. She hadn't told anyone. Not even Becca. "I had this sense of dread, a feeling that I wasn't supposed to be married that day."

"I uh-um," Veronica stuttered as she looked down as she wiggles her fingers. "I left him at the altar." Though Veronica's gaze remained focused in her hands, she could feel Scarlett and Lizzie's shocked expressions.

"It's awful, I know. And I regret it, I regret so much of it," Veronica confessed, no longer worried about the tears that began falling. Lizzie and Scarlett wrapped her into a hug.

"It's alright, wipe those tears. We have a party to go to. I think a drink is just what you need," Scarlett declared as she used her thumb to remove the tears on Veronica's face. She gave Veronica a gentle shake, as the trio headed to the party.

This is probably one of the longest chapters I will ever write😂

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