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Ryneela made sure she had all of her weapons on her person as she walked out of Bag End, mentally recounting the daggers that were in their individual spots on her body, sword strapped to her waist and bag around her shoulders with all of her little things inside. The dwarves were saddling up their ponies as she walked down the cobblestone pathway, around the gate, to the stallion, who had been happily munching on the weeds of Bilbo's garden, the massive horse lifting his head, hearing the familiar footsteps.

"Are you causing trouble?" Ryneela softly asked the stallion

In return, the stallion bobbed his head in agreement, causing her to let out a small chuckle, putting her bag on the back of the saddle, strapping it down, making sure it wouldn't fall off, also checking the saddle, untying the reins, leading him over to the other ponies. Ryneela secured her black cloak around her shoulders, keeping the hood down and untucking her hair, Spirit affectionately nudging the side of her head, causing another chuckle to emit from her, lifting her hand and softly petting his cheek. Kili looked at the massive stallion in amazement, the rest of the dwarves mounting their ponies,

"Are we ready?" Thorin asked

"Aye" Dwalin replied with a nod "just about"

"Then let's be on our way" he said

Ryneela mounted Spirit, who reared back slightly as she got comfortable, reaching into her bag that rested on her hip, pulling out a bright red apple, leaning forward and holding it out to Spirit who happily ate his treat. A moment later, when Ryneela was sure that he was finished, she clicked her tongue twice, which caused him to start walking, following the Company, also purposely hanging back to be with Kili and Fili, where she had found out that they were pranksters every once in a while.

"It's a shame we don't have our burglar" Fili said

"He would have come in handy" Kili added

"I believe he just needs a little persuasion" Ryneela replied, lowering her voice so the other dwarves won't hear "that's why I had Balin leave the contract on the table before we left. He will come"

"Fifty silver coins says you're wrong" Fili said with a smirk

"Well, I'm not really one to gamble" she replied "but in this case, however, one hundred silver coins says I'm right"

"That's a deal, lass" he said, holding out a hand

Ryneela shook his hand, sealing the deal, grasping the reins once more. Some of the dwarves were lowly talking to one another, others were quiet, Dori was smiling at Ori, who was talking to Ryneela about different types of stitches, while she listened intently, a small smile forming on her lips at how much passion he put into it. Many of the others made bets that Bilbo would not show up, but Gandalf knew otherwise, and soon enough the dwarves were riding their ponies, Gandalf and Ryneela on their horses, down a path through a wooded area.

"Wait!" A familiar voice shouted "wait!"

Ryneela clicked her tongue twice, causing Spirit to stop, the dwarves doing the same, which allowed Bilbo to catch up to them, handing Balin the contract,

"I signed it!" Bilbo said

Balin takes the contract and inspects it with a pocket-glass, then smiles at Bilbo,

"Everything appears to be in order" Balin said "welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield"

The dwarves cheer, but Ryneela notices Thorin's unimpressed look,

"Give him a pony" he ordered

"No, no, no, no, that--that won’t be necessary" Bilbo said "thank you, but I--I’m sure I can keep up on foot. I-- I--I’ve done my fair share of walking holidays, you know. I even got as far as Frogmorton once--WAGH!"

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