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Ryneela slowly peeled Kili's arm off her waist, softly setting it down on the bedroll and putting Sebastian on her right shoulder, large bees were buzzing around the house, most instantly recognizing the woman, flying up to her and nuzzling her cheek, causing a quiet giggle to emit from her. Now that the sun had filled the house, Ryneela was able to get a proper look, smiling slightly when nothing had changed from the last time she had been there. One of the bees had taken a special liking to the woman, perching itself on her other shoulder, causing her to shake her head slightly in amusement, hearing the familiar sound of one chopping wood.

Silently making her way to one of the windows, Ryneela looked out, seeing the familiar large man swinging his axe down on to a block of wood, replacing it with another, and repeating the process. She reached up with her left finger, the large bumblebee crawling onto it, allowing Ryneela to raise her hand, urging it to join the others, which it did with a bit of reluctance. An orb of blue light formed on Ryneela's palm, slowly rising it, which caused the lock on the door to slowly lift off, said door opening on her command. When she stepped out, the sun instantly warned her exposed skin, a small sigh emitting from her nose, looking over at the large man and making her way over to him.

He slammed his axe down on the block of wood, collecting the wood he chopped and putting it in a neat pile, his movements ceasing when he heard footsteps behind him,

"Beorn" Ryneela said softly

A small smile instantly formed on his lips, standing to his full height and turning around, facing the small woman who stood in front of him, a smaller hedgehog on her shoulder, seeing that she hadn't changed at all from the last time he saw her many moons ago.

"Ryneela" he replied

"How are you, old friend?" She asked, her hands clasped in front of her

"Some days are better than most" he replied "and yourself?"

"I've been well, thank you" she said ". . . By any chance, have you seen Achrigan around these parts?" causing him to let out a small sigh through his nose "Beorn?"

". . . He is here" he replied

"Well, where is he?" She asked "is he okay?"

"Come" he said

Ryneela followed him back inside the house, knowing he took notice of the dwarves on his floor, silently stepping over Kili, who had woken up the second they started to climb the stairs. Beorn stopped in front of a door, nervousness suddenly brewing within Ryneela as he turned the nob and slowly pushed it open, a small creak filling the air. A fearful gasp emitted from the woman, her hand shooting to her mouth as tears instantly began to fill her eyes, not believing what she was seeing, freezing in her spot. There Achrigan lay, on the bed that Beorn had set up for her whenever see needed a place to stay for a while, his face bruised beyond recognition, large gashes and other bruises all over his bare torso, not wanting it to be true at what she was seeing.

She couldn't help the sob that escaped passed her lips, running over to brother and placing his hands on his shoulders, one sliding to his cheek,

"He came to me weeks ago" Beorn informed "he was in worse condition. I did what I could with what you left when you were last here"

"Thank you, Beorn" Ryneela said softly "I am in your debt"

"You are not" he replied "I will leave you"

Beorn walked back down the stairs, Kili slowly making his way into the room, his heart breaking at the sight of Ryneela bent over her brother, tears running down her cheeks. She softly moved a lock of hair away from his face, her fingers hovering over his gashes, hands shaking, closing her eyes and lowering her head, taking a step back.

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