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Outside, the courtyard is packed full of Mirkwood elves dressed in full battle gear, standing in perfectly ordered lines. The people of Laketown begin coming out of their buildings and see the elves, as Bard walks down the steps and approaches them, some lines of which turn and step back to make a pathway for him. As he exits out the bank of elves, King Thranduil rides up on his steed, and all the elves turn to face him,

"My lord Thranduil" Bard said "we did not look to see you here"

"I heard you needed aid" Thranduil replied, his head held high

Thranduil turns and looks at a wagon that is pulling up, which had been loaded with food and drink for the people of Laketown, who smile and cheer, and begin unloading the cart with the elves’ help. Bard approaches Thranduil gratefully,

"You have saved us" Bard said with a grateful smile "I do not how to thank you"

"Your gratitude is misplaced" Thranduil replied, his voice turning cold "I did not come on your behalf. I came to reclaim something of mine"


Meanwhile, in the Mountain, Thorin picks up a beautiful necklace made of tiny, shining, and white gems,

"There are gems in the mountain that I too desire. White gems of pure starlight"

"The white gems of Lasgalen" Thorin said "I know an Elf-Lord who would pay a pretty price for these"

Thorin tosses the necklace back into the pile of jewels, scattering many of the tiny gems, Ryneela quickly hides behind a corner, closing her eyes as she rested her head back against the wall, knowing that there had been no other way to heal his mind, but he must get through it on his own.


Back in Dale, Thranduil watches his troops march out of Dale, Bard runs up to him,

"Wait! Please, wait!" Bard exclaimed "you would go to war over a handful of gems?"

"The heirlooms of my people are not lightly forsaken" Thranduil replied

"We are allies in this" Bard said "my people also have a claim upon the riches in that mountain! Let me speak with Thorin!"

"You would try to reason with a dwarf?" The elven king asked mockingly

"To avoid war?" Bard countered "yes!"


In Erebor, Thorin strides toward the blocked off gate, calling the other dwarves to him,

"Come on!" Thorin called

The dwarves lay down their tools, Kili helped Ryneela back to her feet, her thigh still being sore from the previous wound and pick up their weapons, following Thorin up the stairs they’ve created in the blockage, all the way to a platform they have built at the top of the gate from which they have a vantage point over the plain in front of the gate. They see the walls of Dale filled with Elves ready for war, Bard and the nine Men of Evantree ride up the path to the gate on their own horses, and stopping in front of the gate,

"Hail Thorin, son of Thrain!" Bane called out "we are glad to find you alive beyond hope"

"Why do you come to the gates of the king under the mountain armed for war?" Thorin asked

"On the contrary, we just came to reunite with out sister" Merius said, dismounting his horse

"Why does the king under the mountain fence himself in?" Bard asked Thorin "like a robber in his hole"

"Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed" Thorin countered

"My lord - We have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement" Bard tried to reason "will you not speak with me?"

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