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With her foot on a small chair, Ryneela laced up her boot, enough to where it was comfortable for her to run if needed, adjusting her gloves on her hands as she walked over to her things. Grabbing her bag, she put that over her shoulder so it could rest on her left hip, then putting her daggers in their designated places before grabbing her sword, sliding it in her sheath. Sebastian was resting on one of the pillows, looking at his mother as she made sure she had everything in her bag, walking over to the small animal and placing her hand on the bed. In return, the small animal crawled onto her hand, allowing Ryneela to pick him up and bring him to her line of vision,

"You know the drill, little one" Ryneela said softly

Sebastian gave her a small nod, letting her put him in her bag, where he instantly curled up in one of her spare gloves, a small smile forming on her lips as she shut the flap to her bag. After doing a mental check of her things, Ryneela grabbed her larger bag and carried that out of her room. Today is the day where nearly every dwarf who had fought in the battle of the five armies will be traveling back to the Iron Hills, going home to their families, and the family of Evantree will be moving back into their home as well, along with Tauriel until Achrigan can figure out where he wants their home to be. Ryneela and Kili still needed to talk about their own living situation, but they'll figure that out while they're in the road to the Iron Hills.

Some of the dwarves that were not going to be travelling back, will in fact be staying in Erebor with Thorin and some of the other members of the Company, it will also be a few days to a few weeks before they reach the Iron Hills. Ryneela's boots thumped against the stone flooring of Erebor as she walked through the halls, making her way toward the main entrance where everyone was getting ready, spotting a very familiar horse,

"And where have you been?" Ryneela asked

She set her bag in the floor, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at the black stallion that stood in front of her, hearing him let out a small neigh in return, bobbing his head slightly. Spirit had been found wandering the woods, and somehow he was led to Erebor. A small smile formed on Ryneela's lips as Spirit lowered his head and gently nudged her chin, causing her arms to uncross from her chest, reaching up and softly rubbing his nose in return.

"It's a good thing you're already saddled up" she commented "one less thing I need to worry about"

Grabbing the reins, Ryneela picked up her bag and made her way to the caravan that was getting ready as well, most would be traveling by foot, others on horses or ponies. Bane seeing Ryneela approaching, a small smile forming on his lips, walking over to her and gently taking her bag, strapping it to Spirit's saddle, causing her to give him a small smile in appreciation. She couldn't help but look at the caravan, seeing Leilani and Ralaric standing together, a small sigh emitting from her nose, But she couldn't help but smile at the two, knowing that their father was happy to have his wife back, all because of Ryneela. As if feeling her gaze, Leilani looked over to her daughter, giving her a smile,

"Ryneela" a deep voice said from behind her

Turning around, she saw Thorin standing there,

"I wish you the best of luck with your travel ahead" Thorin said, holding out a hand to her

In return, Ryneela grasped his forearm, causing Thorin to do the same, giving the woman a small smile, some others stopping to witness this interaction between the youngest Woman of Evantree and King Under the Mountain,

"May you rule well, Your Highness" Ryneela replied with a soft smile

"And know that you will always be welcome in Erebor" Thorin said, earning a small nod from the woman "where will you go now?" releasing her arm

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