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"Radagast" Gandalf said "Radagast the Brown. What on earth are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you, Gandalf" Radagast replied frantically "there's something wrong. Something’s terribly wrong"

"Yes?" Gandalf asked,

Radagast opens his mouth to speak, but shuts it, repeating that action a few times, suddenly forgetting what he was going to say,

"Oh, just give me a minute" Radagast said "um, oh, I had a thought, and now I’ve lost it. It was, it was right there, on the tip of my tongue" curling up his tongue, surprise covering his features "oh, it’s not a thought at all; it’s a silly old . . ." opening his mouth, letting Gandalf pull out a small bug "-stick insect!”

The dwarves and Bilbo look flustered, but Ryneela couldn't help but let out a small giggle in amusement, covering her mouth with her hand, her body beginning to shake with laughter, surely missing her old friend,

"I know that laugh" Radagast said, turning to the dwarves "Ryneela, my dear, how are you?"

"I have been well, Radagast" Ryneela replied with a smile, putting her blade back in her sheath "and you?" walking over to him, giving him a small hug

"I have been well" he replied with a smile "Sebastian, however, misses his mother"

"Did you bring him?" She asked hopefully

"Did I bring him" he said with a smile

Radagast reached into his robes, pulling out Sebastian, who instantly perked up at the sight of Ryneela, causing her to instantly grasp the tiny animal in her hands and hold him close to her, and the little hedgehog, he was loving every second of it, making her way beck over to the dwarves, letting the two wizards talk in private,

"The Greenwood is sick, Gandalf" Radagast said "a darkness has fallen over it. Nothing grows any more, at least nothing good. The air is foul with decay. But worst are the webs"

"Webs?" Gandalf asked "what do you mean?"

"Spiders, Gandalf" he replied "giant ones. Some kind of spawn of Ungoliant, or I am not a Wizard. I followed their trail. They came from Dol Guldur"

"Dol Guldur?" He asked "but the old fortress is abandoned"

"No, Gandalf, it is not" the brown wizard replied "a dark power dwells there, such as I have never felt before. It is the shadow of an ancient horror. One that can summon the spirits of the dead. I saw him, Gandalf. From out of the darkness, a Necromancer has come.”        

Radagast “wakes up” from his flashback, and realizes that he has gotten very excited,

"I’m sorry" Radagast apologized

"Try a bit of Old Toby. It’ll help settle your nerves" Gandalf replied

Cleaning off his pipe with his beard, Gandalf offered it to Radagast, who places his lips on the end of the pipe and breathes in the smoke, his eyes cross and a blissful look forms on his face, blowing out the smoke, then stays in a trance-like state for a few seconds,

"Now, a Necromancer" Gandalf said "are you sure?"

Radagast pulls out a cloth-wrapped package and hands it to Gandalf, untying it and opens it, Gandalf's features turning to concern upon seeing it's contents, Ryneela nervously looking back at the two, her eyes flashing a brighter blue before going back to their original color, and luckily no one else saw. Sebastian looked up at Ryneela in concern, shaking her head slightly and letting out a small sigh through her nose, her attention focusing back on the little hedgehog.

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