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As Bilbo speaks, Thorin’s expression changes to a mixture of sorrow and anger, Thranduil and Bard look worried, as they thought Bilbo was still safely in Dale, Thorin and the other dwarves look at Bilbo in shock.

"You . . ."  Thorin trailed off

"I took it as my fifteenth share" Bilbo replied

"You would steal from me?" Thorin asked

"Steal from you?" Bilbo replied "no. No. I may be a burglar, but I like to think I’m an honest one. I’m willing to let it stand against my claim"

"Against your claim?!" Thorin shouted "your claim! You have no claim over me you miserable rat!"

Thorin throws down his bow in anger and begins walking toward Bilbo,

"I was going to give it to you" Bilbo said "many times I wanted to, but . . ."

"But what, thief?!" Thorin shouted

"You are changed, Thorin!" Bilbo exclaimed "the dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word! Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin!"

"Do not speak to me of loyalty!" Thorin shouted "throw him from the rampart!"

Bilbo looks shocked, the other dwarves, rather than obeying Thorin, step away from the hobbit in confusion, Thranduil and Bard look concerned. Thorin is surprised that no one obeyed him,

"Do you hear me?!" Thorin shouted, grabbing Fili’s arm, but Fili shakes him away "I will do it myself!" lunging forward and grabs Bilbo "curse you!"

"No!" Fill exclaimed

As Thorin struggles with Bilbo, the other dwarves leap forward, shouting, to pull Thorin away, but he manages to grab Bilbo and begins pushing him over the rampart,

"Cursed be the Wizard that forced you on this Company!" Thorin shouted

"You will do no such thing!" Ryneela shouted

Her voice echoed throughout the hall, even the army of elves hearing this, Ryneela's boots thumping against the stone floor as she walked over to the rampart, the other dwarves looking at her in shock, taking in the sight of the only woman in the Company dressed in battle armor, the nine Men of Evantree following behind,

Her voice echoed throughout the hall, even the army of elves hearing this, Ryneela's boots thumping against the stone floor as she walked over to the rampart, the other dwarves looking at her in shock, taking in the sight of the only woman in the ...

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The Evantree Clan had their own armor specially made by their father, never thinking that they'd actually need it, but the situation calls for it at the moment, Kili looking at his One. He hadn't expected Ryneela to dress for battle, he had told her to run and hide, but he knew that she would not listen, never before seeing the Evantree Clan actually fighting before, but they were all in for a show.

"You’re not making a very splendid figure as king under the mountain, are you?" Gandalf asked "Thorin son of Thrain!"

Thorin slowly lets Bilbo up, and some of the other dwarves rush to help Bilbo up, the dwarven king turning to the woman,

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