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Bilbo, invisible, sneaks through the Woodland Realm, but suddenly, Thranduil steps out from behind a corner and seemingly addresses him, Bilbo gives a little start, thinking that his invisibility doesn’t work,

"I know you’re there" Thranduil said "why do you linger in the shadows?”

Bilbo is petrified, thinking he has been found out, when suddenly Tauriel steps out of the shadows behind him. Realizing that the king was talking to her, Bilbo sighs in relief,

"I was coming to report to you" Tauriel replied

"I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed not two moons past" Thranduil said

"We cleared the forest as ordered, my lord, but more spiders keep coming up from the south" she replied honestly "they are spawning in the ruins of Dol Guldur; if we could kill them at their source-"

"That fortress lies beyond our borders" he said, cutting her off "keep our lands clear of those foul creatures, that is your task.”

"And when we drive them off, what then?" She asked "will they not spread to other lands?"

"Other lands are not my concern" he replied "the fortunes of the world will rise and fall, but here in this kingdom, we will endure"

Bilbo sneaks away, Thranduil, hearing a noise caused by Bilbo, looks his way, however, he looks back at Tauriel as she bows and walks away,

"Legolas said you fought well today" Thranduil said, causing Tauriel to smile to herself "he has grown very fond of you" causing Tauriel to look away, shocked and embarrassed

"I assure you, my lord, Legolas thinks of me as no more than a captain of the guard" Tauriel replied

"Perhaps he did once" Thranduil said "now, I’m not so sure.”

Thranduil walks past Tauriel to pour himself a cup of drink, Tauriel stays rooted in her spot, looking worried,

"I do not think you would allow your son to pledge himself to a lowly Silvan elf." Tauriel said

"No, you are right" Thranduil replied honestly "I would not. Still, he cares about you. Do not give him hope where there is none"

Behind Thranduil’s back, Tauriel looks worried and anguished,


In his cell, Achrigan inspects a shiny silver coin with an engraving in his hand, flipping it in the air and catches it on the back of his hand. Tauriel is checking on all the prisoners, pausing at Achrigan's cell,

"The coin in your hand, what is it?" Tauriel asked curiously

Ryneela raised her head slightly at the sound of Tauriel mentioning the coin, her hand moving to a hidden pocket in her boot, removing the same coin Achrigan had, a small sigh emitting from her nose, knowing her other brothers were looking at their own coin as well, something she felt in her heart whenever she held the coin in her hand.

"It is a talisman" Achrigan replied, a smirk forming on Ryneela's lips "a powerful spell lies upon it. If any but an Evantree gazes upon the leaves of this coin, they will be forever cursed"

Achrigan quickly holds up the coin toward Tauriel, and she steps back slightly, begins to walk away,

"Or not, depending on whether you believe that kind of thing" Achrigan said, laughing lightly "it's just a token" smiling at Tauriel, causing one to form on her lips in return "is nothing but a coin, worthless to most, but means everything to us. Our eldest gave one to each of us so we'd remember our promise"

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