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The Company rides through a muddy forest as it rains, all of them cold, wet, and miserable. Ryneela made sure to tuck her hair into her cloak, even if it wouldn't really do any good, Bilbo was the only one who looked more miserable than they did, for he didn't have anything to actually protect himself from the rain. If it were a different situation, Ryneela would be jumping in the muddy puddles and dancing in the rain like she used to do with her brothers, a small smile forming on her lips at the sudden memory. She missed them with all of her heart, but she knew that she would see them again, soon enough,

"Here, Mr. Gandalf, can’t you do something about this deluge?" Dori asked over the rain

"It is raining, Master Dwarf" Gandalf replied "and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard"

"Are there any?" Bilbo asked curiously

"What?" Gandalf asked

"Other wizards?" He replied

"There are five of us" he said "the greatest of our order is Saruman the White. Then there are the two Blue Wizards; you know, I’ve quite forgotten their names"

"And who is the fifth?" He asked

"He's just full of questions, isn't he?" Ryneela asked sarcastically, only Fili and Kili hearing her

"Well, that would be Radagast, the Brown" Gandalf said

"Is  he a great Wizard or is he. . . more like you?" Bilbo asked hesitantly

"I think he’s a very great wizard, in his own way" he replied, looking slightly offended "he's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the East, and a good thing too, for always evil will look to find a foothold in this world"


Hours passed, the rain finally stopping, happiness beginning to fill the company, the only downside being that they were still soaked to the bone. A chirp filled the air, Fili curiously looking up to the sky,

"Brother, look" he whispered, pointing to the sky

Kili looked up at the sky, seeing a white owl flying above them, causing his eyebrows to furrow slightly, grabbing an arrow from his quiver and readying his bow, drawing said arrow back and aiming toward the bird. A hand softly placed itself on the arrowhead, causing Kili to look at Ryneela, who had been looking up at the owl with a soft smile, letting her slowly lower the bow. Kili put the arrow back in the quiver,

"And where have you been?" Ryneela asked softly "I wonder"

The owl chirped in response, swooping down, over the heads of the company, Ryneela holding up her right arm, elbow bent at the right angle for the owl to comfortably land. With a flap of it's wings, the pure white owl handed on her arm, allowing her to lower it slightly,

 With a flap of it's wings, the pure white owl handed on her arm, allowing her to lower it slightly,

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