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Bilbo hides behind a tree and sees a massive mountain troll walking toward the fire, carrying a pony under each arm, Kili still having his hold on Ryneela's wrist,

"He’s got Myrtle and Minty!" Bilbo exclaimed quietly "I think they’re going to eat them, we have to do something"

"Yes, you should" Kili replied "mountain trolls are slow and stupid, and you’re so small"

"N--n--no--" Bilbo stuttered

"They’ll never see you" Kili added

"No, no, no. . ." He replied

"It’s perfectly safe" he said "we'll be right behind you"

"If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl, once like a brown owl" Fili said

Fili and Kili push Bilbo toward the fire, who also begins whispering Fili’s instructions to himself, trying to remember them,

"Twice like a barn owl, twice like a brown--once like a brown?" He asked himself "are you sure this is a good idea?"

Bilbo turns around, but Fili, Kili and Ryneela are already out of sight. The three trolls, Tom, Bert, and William, sit around a fire, a cauldron hung over it, cooking something for their dinner, Tom is the troll who brought the ponies. William was wearing a dirty vest, Bert is the cook and wearing an apron,

"Mutton yesterday, mutton today, and blimey, if it don’t look like mutton again tomorrow" Bert said

"Quit yer’ griping" Tom said "these ain’t sheep. These is West Nags!"

"Oh, I don’t like 'orse" William said "I never 'ave. Not enough fat on them"

"Well, it’s better than the leathery old farmer" Bert replied "all skin and bone, he was. I’m still picking bits of him out of me teeth"

William sneezes into the pot they have boiling over a fire,

"Oh, that’s lovely, that is; a floater" Bert said sarcastically

"Oh, might improve the flavor!" Tom said

"Ah! There’s more where that came from" William said

He begins to sneeze more, but Bert grabs him by the nose. Bilbo, unseen, gets behind them,

"Oh no you don’t" Bert said, throwing William down

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" William wined

"Sit down" Bert ordered

William sneezes again, this time into a handkerchief he pulls out from behind him, sniffing for a long time, while Bilbo, reaching the pen in which the ponies are held, attempts to untie the ropes, only to hide as William turns towards him,

"I hope you’re gonna gut these nags" William said "I don’t like the stinky parts.”

Bert hits William with his ladle, causing him to squeal in pain

"I said sit down!" Bert ordered

"I’m starving!" Tom complained "are we 'aving horse tonight or what?”

"Shut your cakehole" Bert said "you’ll eat what I give ya’."

As William pulls out his handkerchief, Bilbo sees that he’s wearing a long knife in his belt, and since he's unable to untie the ropes restraining the ponies, he attempts to get the knife from the troll, sneakily making his way behind William,

"How come ‘e’s the cook?" Tom asked, referring to Bert "everything tastes the same. Everything tastes like chicken"

"Except the chicken" William commented

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